Chapter 1

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In the void, there was nothing but a quiet sense of floating. There was no thought here. No worries. No fear. No pain. There was nothing at all except darkness, and a voice which sang a song.

A name attached to her, grabbed her, tried to drag her back from the void.


She fought the command. She had her own voice now. Never again would she do another's bidding. She reached back towards the song, but the song whispered 'please?' She had unfinished business. The song had something it wanted her to do.

She cried out as pain wrenched through her entire being. Warmth flooded through her body as the pain gradually dissipated.

"Awaken, child." A warm voice rumbled which sounded familiar. "Awaken and face the dawn."

Audrey opened her eyes, confused, as her body hummed with a sensation not unlike electricity. The sensation felt pleasant, like the way your hands feel after you come in from the cold and warm them before a fire. A handsome face floated inches from hers, his stern features composed into an emotionless, porcelain mask, but his unearthly blue eyes radiated compassion.

"Michael?" Her hand flew to her mouth, bitter with the taste of blood. She picked bits of sand from the corner of her lips, but there was no cut there, no pain. She struggled to sit up. Coarse asphalt dug into her hands. "Where are we?"

The sunrise shone into his pale features, giving him a golden hue. Audrey squinted, blinded by the light. It felt as though Michael was part of the rising sun.

"The Father saw your sacrifice and was moved by it." A slight crinkle around his eyes betrayed the smile millennia of habit prevented him from showing. "He has granted a reprieve while I prove to him your species has value he has overlooked."

Audrey's brow wrinkled, part of her still connected to the song. The events of the past twenty-four hours flooded back into her mind.

The Paradise Diner. An old lady bit a chunk out of her father and then walked on the ceiling. Michael's arrival. Kyle teaching her to shoot. Her father, crucified. The way his skin boiled, and then exploded into acid. She'd tried to save a little girl who'd turned into a demon. The awful sound of a trumpet which heralded something even worse was coming.

Audrey clamped her hands over her mouth. Her cry of horror came out as a scream.

"It's okay." Michael gripped her shoulder. "You're safe now."

For the first time, she noticed he now had wings. Magnificent, black wings with razor edges, rustling like the sound of steel being drawn across a whetstone. Like a spider trying to scramble backwards away from a bird, Audrey scurried away from the black-winged visage kneeled before her. Behind Michael, the police car lay upside down on the highway.

Jeep and Charlie driving. The baby crying. The monster tore the roof off the car and crawled over the back seat, over -her- as it came to as it came to kill the baby.

Anger surged through her veins. How dare you kill a child! She climbed over its back and wrapped her arms around the monster's neck, but was impeded by the collar. The thick, leather collar which prevented her from piercing his jugular.

Jeep pressed the gas pedal into the floor. The police car sped up. It accelerated past 90 mph. Jeep looked back at her, and then looked at the windshield.

'Do it!' she shouted.

The car stopped. The monster didn't. She smashed through the windshield, still trapped between his back and the soft underside of his wings.

Dogs of the Father: A Legion Fanfiction - Episode 1: Little ProphetWhere stories live. Discover now