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                My Mom was already gone for work because I told her I would be fine, that I could handle the first day of school all by myself. Well, I lied. I lied because I don't want her to worry about me. Deep inside, I am very scared. I am scared of the shadows haunting me. I am scared of the people pretending to be good but down to their hearts they are not. They are the ones I am very scared of: wolves in sheep's  clothing. Since I was a child, I thought that the things I see are all part of my imagination. My mind can't process why I see things that nobody else can see. As far as I can remember I am just a seven years old then when my mother brought me to the church. I can clearly remember the bright thing that surrounded the people's heads. Don't get me wrong, I don't see auras. The thing that I can see is their halos. Halos are like a color scale they range from black to gold to white. On the right side of the church there are few good people, their halos are spectrum of wild colored yellows, starting out as a faint hazy goldenrod, growing brighter and lightening into clear while brilliance. On the other side,their halo, starting as a black mist, turning grey and into still blackness of pure evil. A halo's pattern and movement mirrors their emotional and moral state. I often asks God why did He gave me this ability. I don't even know if it is a gift or a curse. I always woke up screaming in the middle of the night because I dreamed of people with black halos trying to get me.

​Eight years later, here I am contemplating the walk before me. I told myself today will be a good day; there's nothing to be afraid of. And despite the cramping in my stomach, I left the safety of my own home and began to walk. School starts in thirty minutes. If I am lucky today well, I will be able to reach the school just in time before the bell rings.

​Three blocks to go. As I reached the next corner, I saw the dark spot. Just off the main road, lurks a clump of guys. On the outside they all look normal, but my skin crawls at the sight of the three of them. I consider to skip school but  I remembered my mother's worried face. I don't want to disappoint her. The boys noticed as I pass. I don't look, but I can feel their repulsive stares. Okay just two blocks more. I'm regretting this already. The last two blocks are shorter. I breathed a sigh of relief as I reached the gates of my school. Mentally I reviewed my plan. Visualizing my route using  the class schedule and the campus map I've memorized two days ago. I tried not to look around just focusing in making it to my first class which is History, without any incident. As I slip through the classroom doors my heart began to slam against my ribs. I realized that the danger is in the back of the room. I hurriedly find myself a sit. I tried not to look but I can't stop myself so I cast a glance. Long greasy hair, dyed purple, hangs limply against his shoulders. He looks quite and controlled but surrounding him is a cloud of churning ash that keeps on obscuring him from my view.  He is very angry. Maybe pissed, and out for revenge. I mentally made a note to keep my distance. The classroom continued to be filled. By the time the teacher, Mr. Guevarra entered the room, with his very bright yellow colored halo, I'm sure I can make it at least for now. As I listened carefully for the name of the guy in the back I didn't realized my name being called.

"Mercy Luce?"
"Uh, Here, sir." I met his amused gaze.
"Daydreaming already, Ms. Luce?"
"N-no, sir." My cheeks burned with embarrassment. He gave me a warm smile and continued to call other student's name.

For second and third period, I think I did pretty great. If you think turning invisible was amazing. I'm good at it. No one will notice that I know them like nobody else even their own selves. After my fourth period, Math Algebra, I sat alone at a corner table in the cafeteria avoiding other kids. High Schools seems to follow the rules of nature, birds of the same feathers, flocks together. There a couple of kids with dark halos, mostly misfits. There are also a few bright ones, I guess they are the overachievers and honor kids. Sometimes I wonder what my halo looked like. Is it yellow? white? or black? No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't see mine. Which is so unfair.

After lunch is English, not one of my favorite subjects, I prepared myself for the guy at the back of the room during my first class. You know, who I am talking about. What I am not prepared fo is Ms. Suarez. Mr. Freaky that's what I called him. Downright freaky. He is watching the door, evaluating the student, sizing up the guys and ogling at the girls. I immediately calculated my chances of running. My skin crawls. The only seats left are in the front row. and I know why. As the class begins to lose interest and started their own conversation, I felt someone staring at me. It's Mr. Freaky. He's smiling at me in a polite manner yet with interest at odds with darkest sphere I've ever seen in my life. Bile rises in my throat and I tried to fight it down.

Fifteen minutes before the end of the class, he dismissed us early.


​I almost ran. I can't get fast enough. In P.E, I'm grateful that there are no dark ones to avoid. I tried to concentrate to Ms. Liz and to whatever she's saying. I managed to smile at her jokes, her school-bus-yellow halo makes me feel warm. Afters chool, I tried, unsuccessfully switch English classes.

I decided to buy some cookies for Mom. Just as the blue awning of the local shops came into view, something overhead captured my attention. It is like a blazing light streaking across the sky, but low and so close. It vanished just beyond the shops, leaving me momentarily blinded, I wondered if I was the only one who saw that beautiful thing. I am so distracted I forgot about the dark ones --until it's too late.

"Hey, new girl!" I heard and felt them at the same time, I turned around and saw the three guys I tried to avoid this morning. This is not looking good. My heart accelerates into rhythmic staccato. Fear is sharp and tangy in my mouth.

I froze, wondering if it is too late to run.
My body moved on its own and I started to run.
"STOP!"  I heard the leader said but I didn't I just run and run. I ran until my legs can't stand anymore. I fell down on my knees. I'm safe. Okay. I am. They can't follow me here, I ran pretty far and fast. I thought while I catch my breath. I am now in a small yard between two houses obscuring me from public view. Which is very bad.

"There you are....."
My head snapped in their direction. O, my God!
Closing my eyes against a wave of nausea, I concentrate on edging backwards, away from them.
The one I think was the leader reached out and grabbed me by the neck.
​Scream, you idiot!
With his hand crushing my windpipe, a pain I've never felt before explodes across my neck. They're going to kill me. I can't breathe! Make it stop!

​High in the sky overhead, I noticed dark cumulus cloud blocking out the sun. The light is being swallowed up. I'm dying. Someone... someone help me. But I can't speak at all. My consciousness fading. For once, I'm happy to embrace the shadows.
​Severals things happened all at once. The sun emerges from behind the cloud, illuminating everything in brilliant light. As I squint against the glow, the guy lets go of my windpipe. I drop to ground, clutching my throat and dragedding ragged breaths of air.
​Seconds passed. I heard an unfamiliar voice roar," If you touch her again, I'll kill you!"
I believe the voice. He mean it. I heard the sound of shuffling. Low moans and cursed filled the air. They are retreating. I'm safe. Am I?

"Are you alright?"

The voice is much gentler now but laced with concern. I tried to answer but when I opened my eyes I can only see the light. Blinding brilliant-white light radiates around the voice. I strain to focus on the speaker. In the middle of the brightest light I have ever seen is the most beautiful boy I've ever met. His face is both achingly perfect ang terrifyingly severe. He is absolute perfection.

"You're beautiful!"

​The words slipped past  my lips before I can stop them. Surprise, followed by relief, registered in his eyes. Then smiled at me--a lustrous smile that crashes over me. 
I am being swallowed by the sun.

"You are not human."

The uncensored words slipped again. But for once, I am not embarrassed. I know enough about humans. And this guy- whoever he is- is not one of them. He is so beautiful to be true. Or at least that's what I think. His tousled, golden hair capture the shimmering light of the sun as he assessed me with the celestial blue eyes. I feel like I am falling into their depths. His halo grows supernaturally bright.

The smile was gone and he blinked.

" Of course I am not. I am your angel, Mercy."

                                                                      The End.

THE ANGEL'S HALO ( A one shot)Where stories live. Discover now