"George, got a moment?"

"Hey, Adam. Anything for you, son."

Adam only knew George for a couple of years, however, George knew everyone in the building, and the campus for that matter. He was at least a decade past mandatory retirement age, slightly eccentric, entirely bald, with a prominent pair of geeky black-rimmed bifocals. A pure white triangle of a goatee punctuated his permanent red-cheeked cherubic complexion.

"What can I do ya fer?" he drawled.

"Does your lab have a way to analyze metals?"

"Why, of course. Anything in particular you have in mind?"

Adam struggled with a way to describe the item without sounding too mysterious.

"Well, some time back I came across something that looks like an old coin, and I was wondering if you could figure out what it was made of. I assume you have access to non-destructive ways to do this?"

Adam's basic knowledge of analytical chemistry was spotty and relied on his recollections from sophomore days in college, at a time when everything got dissolved in acids and was subjected to a variety of tests which invariably resulted in noxious vapors and bright colors. In fact, his impressions of it all were not far removed from the age old theme surrounding the conversion of lead into gold.

"What kind of metal do you think it's made of?"

Adam reached down his shirtfront and pulled out the medallion. Even in the dim hallway light the object had an enticing sparkle to it, changing as it moved. Pulling it over his head, he handed it to George and asked, "Well, what do you think?"

Hefting the piece to gauge its weight, George gave it a long stare through his coke bottle lenses and replied, "Golden in color, but based on the weight, I don't think it's pure gold. It seems just a bit light to me. Could be an alloy of some sort."

He removed the chain, gave it back to Adam, and while staring at him through the hole in the disk's middle, he asked, "What kind of coin is this?"

"I really don't know. In fact, it may not be a coin."

George continued his visual inspection and spoke to himself. "A metal disk with a hole in the middle. Odd surface, reflects light in different ways. Funny little symbols running along the edge … on both sides. Where did you come across this weird little piece?"

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me. Let's just go on the assumption that it may be quite old."

George gave Adam an odd look, one which he might reserve for clueless administrative staff and visiting dignitaries. "Adam. You're killin' me here. You're sayin' it's a coin that's not a coin. It looks like gold, but might not be gold. It’s engraved with symbols that may not be symbols. And I guess I'm expected to put on my blindfold and whistle a merry tune while pondering no more than what's fer dinner tonight?"

Algorithm - Book 1 - The MedallionWhere stories live. Discover now