Chapter 9

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He stood up and brushed off his pant legs. "I'd say you sing like an angel, but I don't think they're allowed to be that.... terrifying..." He paused to think a moment, then shrugged. "Then again, I don't happen to know any angels. It's my turn now, yes?"

As he mused on what poem to recite, Gideon gazed off a little. His hands pantomimed flipping through a large book. When finally Gideon stopped searching through his imaginary book, he popped back to reality with a sudden, "Ah ha!"

Gideon stood, with his arms out and palms facing the night sky. As he closed his eyes, a look of peace overcame his face. A small relaxed smile graced it. When he opened his mouth to speak, It echoed. A dragon's voice said his words along with his own voice. This only made the poem more impressive.

"Open the window, and let the air 

Freshly blow upon face and hair, 

And fill the room, as it fills the night, 

With the breath of the rain's sweet might. 

Hark! the burthen, swift and prone! 

And how the odorous limes are blown! 

Stormy Love's abroad, and keeps 

Hopeful coil for gentle sleeps. 

Not a blink shall burn to-night 

In my chamber, of sordid light; 

Nought will I have, not a window-pane, 

'Twixt me and the air and the great good rain, 

Whichever shall sing me sharp lullabies; 

And God's own darkness shall close mine eyes; 

And I will sleep, with all things blest, 

In the pure earth-shadow of natural rest."

Nightingale had once more sank down after her song, but this time with a pleased look on her face. She listened to him with closed eyes, and half way through she splayed herself out on the grass. Dragons had magical voices, she knew. It was one of their key features, and Nightingale knew that they too often mixed magic with their words. She would have been very wary of listening to his poem, if he knew how to use magic.

As he finished, Nightingale rolled onto her back and smiled up at him. "You too have a powerful voice, one that conveys meaning and depth in every word..." She murmured, her eyes seeming a little sleepy. "How about I show you my aura, and then we go home?" She suggested, reaching out to the night sky. "I'd like that..."

"That would be wonderful, Nightingale." Gideon sat beside her, and watched as she stretched to her arm to the sky. Everything he'd discovered about Night made him more interested to learn more about her. Being allowed to see her Aura, that meant she trusted him right?

A childish joy started to bubble up. Like a kid being given a responsibility they normally were not asked to deal with, Gideon sat up a little taller, and his eyes and mouth widened to a large grin. "I recall you saying it was like your eyes."

"Well... Yeah." Night said, blushing a little when Gideon's attention seemed to perk. "I just hope its not that bad of a thing..." She mumbled, showing him wide puppy eyes. "Just promise you won'get mad at me?" She asked, reaching out to Gideon with pale fingers. "Risa warned me not to show my aura ever here... I'm scared she'll find out..." She said with a soft sigh.

At that, she laid her head back and snapped her fingers. At first, a lavender-like mist bloomed from her skin, cascading vividly out over the grass. Once it had reached it's peak though, twinges of black, and deeper purples began to wind their way into the aura, dancing with the lavender and even lighter shades of purple like a ballet routine. This dance of lights spun around and over Nightingale with almost the same speed at her eyes, with the individual twinges of color spinning amongst themselves, like their own solar systems in the galaxy that was her mesmerizingly mixed aura.

As the aura finished it's bloom, Nightingale looked to Gideon with worried eyes. It was obvious she was looking for his approval.

With the first swirl of color, Gideon's eyes widened. As the rest of the colors swelled in, He couldn't keep the smile off of his face. Light and dark grew into a bright purple flower. The petals covering Nightingale in new light. Her aura was filled with all kinds of messages. "'I am Light, but I am Darkness. I am Hurt, but I am Kind. I am Healed, yet I am Broken.' Don't worry. I'm not scared away," Gideon listed off the things off the things that he saw in her aura, assuring her that his approval wasn't necessary. 

Gideon had sat down while her aura grew, so now he stood and extended his hand out to her. "I know why Lady Risa would want you to hide your aura. People will only see the dark at first. That is a shame, there is so much more to you then that. I will count myself lucky you trust me enough to show me," Though society would judge her, Gideon would not. Eventually, he felt, she could be accepted for who she was, not what color Night's aura happened to be. "I have never met a creature like you, and I fear if you leave I'll never meet you again. You are Beautiful. Something, eventually, I hope everyone will accept."

Nightingale blushed as Gideon spoke, and as he did her Aura seemed to suck back to a level just above her skin. She whimpered lightly and sank her puppy-eyed face into the grass. "You really mean that?" She asked, her voice quite embarrassed. "Thanks...I guess... I knew that you would see it as an entirety." She said, trying to hide her blush. "Maybe we should go back? Lady Risa will be worried about us." She said, her aura seeming to suck back into her skin and disappear.

Nightingale sat up, her face flushed a deep pink. At that, without his answer to her leaving, she stood and turned toward town. "How do we get home?" She then asked, not looking at him, and instead at her hands.

"C'mon. Its not that far." Gideon said, standing with her and going to walk beside her.

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