"Lee, you were wonderful, baby!" she smiled as Mitch, the bartender, praised her. Mitch was also the manger and owner of the bar, but he had a bartenders license, so he was known to work the bar on most nights.

"Thank you, you know I try." she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Nah, baby, it comes natural with you, you're a natural sex goddess. All you did was take off your bra and you had these knuckleheads going crazy. You're magical, babe!" Mitch told her, shaking his head, which caused her to roll her eyes.

"I'm not magical, they're just stupid." she huffed, then chuckled. Mitch shook his head then proceeded to take her order. Lena ordered a scotch on the rocks, with only two cubes of ice. Once Mitch brought it over to her, she guzzled it down, then slammed the glass on the bar counter, sighing.

"Time to get to work!" she said, hopping off of the stool. Turning , she looked around the club, trying to find a patron that wasn't already with one of her coworkers. Lena wasn't the type to make friends on the job. She spoke to her coworkers, of course, but she didn't make friends with them. Making friends with people that hardly knew you, but wanted to know all your business, was not idea.

She knew.....

Because she went through it....

Spotting a patron that wasn't preoccupied, she sauntered over, fake, sexy smile on her face.

"Hey, big boy, need some company?" she asked, watching in amusement as the man blushed furiously. The was a typical patron. Nice suit, big watch, costly shoes and completely smitten with her.

"L-L-Lena? Hi... Sit down, please!" he said, making space for her.

"Well, don't mind if I do..." she said, taking a seat.

"You were amazing ,Lena, I couldn't take my eyes off of you." the man said, cooing to her, making Lena's stomach churn.

"Thank you, what's your name, handsome?" she asked, smiling sweetly.

"Donovan, it's Donovan." the man she now knew as Donovan , said.

"That's a very robust name, Donovan, I like it. Do you come here often?" she asked him, beginning to play with his fingers that were clasped together.

"Yes, but only to see you, Lena..." Donovan said, gazing into her eyes deeply.

"Oh, is that so? Do you enjoy my sets?" she asked, honestly wanting to know.

"Yes, you're wonderful..... But...." Donovan froze, causing Lena to raise a brow.

"But, what, Donovan?" she questioned in fake sincerity.

"But, I don't like it, I wish you wouldn't just showcase your body to these pigs..... Lena, I love you..... I really love you...." Donovan said tenderly as Lena tried hard not to roll her eyes. How many times had a patron professed their love to her?


But, she knew it wasn't love, just infatuation.

"And, when did you first find this out?" Lena asked curiously, deciding to toy with Donovan.

"When I first saw you on stage..... You were so....beautiful.... I knew I had to have you for myself. Lena, you don't have to do this, I'm a very rich man and I can take care of you, all you have to do is be with me." Donovan said, making Lena's brain take a trip to the past.....

"Let me take care of you, Lena, let me make you happy.... Let me love you..." Tanner , her first love said, holding her tightly.

"Tanner, I don't know... We just met and I feel like everything is moving so fast. Please, give me time to think." she pleaded, looking into his eyes as she caressed his cheek.

Immobile......[BW/Biracial Man] (Part One Of The Immobile Series)#Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now