Chapter 2.1 (The flying car)

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It hurt so much.
Not to have you by my side.
Not to be around you.
Not to be with you.
You're the pain that I won't give up.

I'm not the only one who has lost.

I'm not the only one in pain.

Optimists are saying that we are the victors but frankly, I don't see how we've won.

We lost everything we could possibly lose. Our innocence, our trust, our bravery, our minds and some even lost their bodies....their pride.

War is not something that's just over one day.

You suddenly wake up and think, well, thank the bloody hell that's over. stays with you forever. Buried in your heart and soul. And not only yours but in those of your children and grandchildren. Because they'll have to witness everyday what it did to you.

My Muggle grandmother was Jewish and she told me all about the Second World War when she was younger. If there ever was a war scarily similar to ours, it was that one.

But like my grandmother, who survived Auschwitz and lived to see her grandchildren grow up, we never lost hope.

Hope was the one thing they couldn't take from us.


Because Ravenclaws will always find a way out. Because Slytherins will always dream of the future. Because Hufflepuffs will always keep faith in improvement. And because Gryffindors will always keep fighting.

I'm lucky in saying that I didn't lose any of my familymembers. Mainly because almost all of them are Muggles.

But there was one thing I lost that I will certainly miss forever.

My sight.

The Burrow
Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon
August 4 1992

"He still hasn't responded to any of our letters." Artemis sighed as Errol came back again without a letter from Harry.

"Maybe he's busy." Ron shrugged.

"Doing what? Making sure his cousin gets enough exercise when he chases Harry around the house? Getting muscle when Dudley hangs him from the window by his ankles?" Artemis snapped. "Get Fred and George and tell them to meet me outside. We're going to get Harry."

Ron hurried out of the room and Artemis sighed, massaging her temples. Her headache only got worse because she worried about Harry. And dealing with Ron on her own also took every ounce of energy she had.

She really needed Hermione or Elizabeth here. She needed someone who understood her.

Ron was just such a boy. He rarely understood what she was trying to say if she didn't spell it out for him and the only thing he seemed to do when with her was stare. It was uncomfortable to say the least.

She needed people like Elizabeth and Hermione. Smart people. People that caught up on what you were trying to say. And she really needed to stay away from Fred, George and Jace, who, for some reason, had made it their goal for the summer to lock Artemis alone in a room with Ron.

Why that was? She had no idea. She just couldn't figure it out. This, of course, caused a lot of amusement among the others. The great Artemis Hope Lupin didn't see what was right in front of her...that's a first.

Artemis got up from Ginny's bed and walked out of the house and towards the small pond in their backyard. She sat down and waited for Fred and George.

The woman in the mirror (Harry Potter fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon