Liam- passes out at a concert

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Harry's POV

It was 9 am and I was in the tour bus kitchenette making breakfast. Lou and Niall were playing FIFA in an adjoining room, and Liam was oddly still asleep. I'd checked on him when I'd gotten up as this was pretty unlike him and figured he'd just needed a bit more sleep. After all, he was always up early waking all of us lads up, and that wasn't an easy job.

I grabbed a metal pot off the hanging rack as well as a wooden spatula, and crept into the room where Niall and Louis were battling it out, faces glued to the screen.

"BREAKFAST IS READY," I shouted, banging on the pot loudly and feeling proud when Niall and Louis jumped.

Louis turned around, "Bloody HELL, why'd you do that?"

I stuck my tongue out at him, "Because it's funny mate," I sassed.

Now was the harder part, I thought to myself, waking up Liam. I love him to death but the lad could sleep through and earthquake when he gets going. And when you wake him up, I shuddered to myself, well, he's not the kinda lad you want to mess with in the morning.

I enlisted Louis' help to wake up our LiLi because surprise surprise, Niall had decided he'd rather have food over an angry Liam.


We snuck all stealth like up to Liam's bunk, positioning ourselves on each side of the curtain. I grinned at Lou, time to have some fun.

We ripped the curtain open simultaneously, then started screeching, "LIAM GET UP!" at the top of our lungs.

Liam would generally scold us, but today he just rolled back over and ignored us. Odd.

It took us five more tries to finally get sleepy Liam out of his bunk and down towards the kitchenette, where the eggs I'd cooked were hopefully still warm. Even then, he still fell asleep on the table, which was very out of the ordinary.

I didn't even bother waking him up for breakfast, noting that he seemed a bit pale.

Just then, Paul knocked on the door before letting himself in. "Where are you?" He hollered at us before we all shushed him.

"What?" He grumbled, annoyed as he came into the kitchenette.

"Liam's sleeping," I whispered, pointing at Exhibit A.

His forhead creased as he gave me a look of concern, "That's... strange, to say the least. When did he go to sleep?"

"He went to sleep real early, at 8, yeah," Niall piped up from his seat.

"And we just got him up," Louis interjected, looking worried.

"Has he seemed a bit off?" Paul questioned, looking at me.

"No, this is the first time I've seen anything." I responded, glancing back at Liam who was still asleep and oblivious.

"Well..." Paul paused, "Just keep an eye on him and let me know if anything else happens. As for now, don't let him know that you're on to him, because he'll clam up if you do."

We all nodded at Paul.

"Well lads you know we've got a busy day so just get him up and let's get going!" Paul clapped his hands, then left to go sit up front with the driver.

"Li..." I shook his shoulder softly. "Leeeyyyuuuuummmmm. You gotta get up, it's 10 already and we gotta get ready for that photo shoot."

Liam started awake, dull brown eyes staring blankly at me. He had dark circles under his eyes, and he looked very pale, not to mention he was shaking. I pretended not to notice, even though I was worried.

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