Chapter Sixteen

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For a moment, I watched as Nozomu’s face twisted, never seizing to look at me as he fiddled with the ring around his neck. I new there was more to his story than he was leading on. But, as of now, I didn’t want to ask.

Because, I knew somewhere done the line, it ended badly; otherwise, I suspected her wouldn’t be here.

“You know,” I said, awkwardly clearing my throat. “Surge isn’t really Surge’s name—not by birthright, like Passenger.”


I nodded, leaning back into the tree, the bark beginning to bite into my shoulders and the crown of my head. And, for a little moment, a tiny smile befell my face.

“His name’s actually Seiji, but he refuses to go by it. He didn’t like the fact that he had no choice in his namesake. And, when he heard mine and Calix’s name—” I cut myself off, letting out a small laugh. “He even has it tattooed on his chest in kanji.”

“He’s an idiot, Champion.” I let out a breath.

“I know.”

“You don’t have to cry over him.”

I bit my lip, trying to stop. I tried thinking of so many other things. I tried thinking of all the ways Surge pissed me off, and all of the stupid things he’s done. I even tried thinking about Naruto’s stubble.

I felt the skin from under my teeth pop.

And, that’s when the rain began.

“What are you smiling about?”

The water splattered onto my face—slow at first, and within a few seconds, heavy. I was sure the water had mixed with the blood that had swelled up on my lip, causing it to drip down my chin. My laugh was choked, and for the first time that day, I was amused.

“I’m getting my visual representation.”

Nozomu grunted.

~         ~          ~                                                       ~         ~          ~

I buried my face deeper into the pillow, and tried breathing. I was taking this time, now, to wallow in self-pity. Because, by tomorrow, I wouldn’t allow myself to cry over this, again. I was training to be an exceptional kunoichi—and, in doing that, I would have to better learn how to control my emotions.

My eyelids clenched shut more tightly.

It did hurt. We had been together for a year, only having started dating after Calix and Elle. I had always known Surge was selfish, but—

Stop it. Stop it.

I took in a few more deep breaths, lifting my head when I heard the knock on my door—had I subconsciously been trying to suffocate myself with the pillow?

“Go away,” I croaked, throwing whatever was in my hand in the direction of the knocking. I wanted to spend my night as a bratty teenage girl, curled up under my blankets—crying. And, the next morning, I wanted to complain to my mother about how utterly sleep depraved I was until she had no choice but to keep me home. And, from there, I would spend my day watching old movies with Sabel, who would have, sometime during the day, snuck home.

“Champion,” Calix softly called, sticking his head through the crack. “Can I come in?”


I could almost here the smile in his voice. “Thanks.” I made a noise at the back of my throat, turning away from him as he sat on the edge of my bed. Because, even thought it was dark, I was terrified he’d see me crying.

His hand ruffled my hair.

“I brought ice cream. I hear it helps.” I bit my fist, doing my best to keep in the noises that threatened to leak from my mouth, for I had already split my lip. And, if anyone were to ask, I’d tell them I got punched in the mouth. It was far less degrading than crying.

“Champion,” he tried, again. I had noticed Calix’s voice was always soft, and was far more caring than I would ever like to admit. “You don’t have to stifle your cries in front of me. I’m your brother.”

“Who said I was c-crying?” I tried biting back, but the crack in my voice gave me away.

“Come here.”

And, I did. I laid my head on Calix’s shoulder and I cried. I clutched his shirt so hard I was sure that, underneath, I had accidentally scratched him.

But, he didn’t complain. He didn’t scold me for ruining his shirt, and he didn’t flinch back. Calix silently let me cry, soothingly rubbing my back, and occasionally kissing my forehead.

The best part?

He didn’t tell me that everything was going to be okay. He just listened. And, that’s all I needed.


Wow short and sucks wow sorry okay.

But, this story is in the Naruto Wattys! So, if you like it, please vote, maybe? It’s under the Naruto Uzumaki category! The Fabulous Adventures of Sassy Sasuke in also in the Sasuke Uchiha, and General Naruto categories~ but the next chapter is kind of cute and angst-y you’ll like it I promise \o/

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