Chapter Four

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“Shouldn’t we be investigating?” Naruto suggested, still in his ridiculous jumpsuit. “This is a serious matter for these people!”

I sighed, turning down the blankets for my bed. To save money, we decided to share a room. Granted, there were two separate beds, and it was easier for me to keep an eye on him this way. But, for the love of all that is holy, he really was insufferable. 

Stupid Uzumaki. 

I shrugged, putting my hair up for the night. “We’d be more useful in the morning, when we’ve had a full night of sleep.”


“Get to bed. We’re getting up at eight, so be ready.”

“You’re insane.”

Silently feeling triumphant, I climbed into the uncomfortable, yet warm, motel bed. “No, I’m disciplined. Goodnight, Naruto Uzumaki.”

~        ~          ~                                                                                          ~        ~         ~

He snored. I metaphorically wept. 

There was no way on Kami’s ever-loving green earth that I was sharing a room with him, again. Hell, he’d be lucky if we slept in the same motels ever again.  

Frustrated, over-tired, and extremely paranoid, I buried my head into the pillow. And, by this point, I was seriously just considering just hanging myself.

He was making me go insane. 

First the babysitting gig, and now we have to go play cops and robbers in a creepy village with a porcelain client. 

I rolled back over, staring into the dark room. Mingyu Chen. The first person I have ever met to out-do my sister in the doll department. 

Don’t get me wrong, Aureate…that girl was something else. My mother’s twin, no doubt. At least, that’s what she had looked like when she was younger. I’ve gathered that much from obsessing over the woman’s old pictures. 

Petite. Straight, navy blue hair. Almost as smooth and silky as the night sky, itself. Equally dark eyes, with beautifully curled eyelashes to frame them. 

That girl, Aureate, was something else with her ivory skin and rosy cheeks. And, in all honesty, Mingyu had nothing on her. 

But, there was something about this woman that made it seem a bit more believable. Aureate may be small, and closely resemble a porcelain doll. But, she could take care of herself. 

My sister was lively. 

This woman on the other hand…well, let’s just say instead of her eyes lighting up, they reflected back at me. 

She was wrong. 

 ~        ~          ~                                                                                          ~        ~         ~

“What are we even looking for?” Naruto asked, leisurely walking besides me. His eyes roamed the small village, making it obvious that he wasn’t much into what we were doing. 

I just wanted to go home. 

“Evidence. Anything that will help us disclose this mission so we can get paid and go home.”

“And, save these people.”

I raised my eyebrow at him. “Yeah, sure. Whatever.” His sudden response had surprised me, I suppose. Sure, everyone knew that Naruto was the ‘heroic’ type, but I guess I had always taken him for a self-absorbed teenage brat. 

He was a strange one, this kid. 

“What kind of evidence are we looking for, anyways?”

I watched him from the corner of my eye, analyzing. Selfish? Maybe not. Dense? Certainly. 

“Just ask around, see if anyone has noticed anything suspicious- well, aside from their men disappearing. I’ll need to talk to Lady Mingyu before helping you, however.”

The boy raised his hand to his forehead, in a sort of mock salute. Determination was woven into the pattern of his blue eyes. And, although it had been obvious that he was mocking me, Naruto was actually taking this pretty seriously. 

And, for once, I was completely reveling in my complete distaste of Naruto Uzumaki.


wow I didn’t realize this chapter was soooooo short. oh well. I have a saturday, anyways. so, bed time for me c: I’ll probs upload again tomorrow because I want to hurry up and introduce all of the other characters :* lovely readings fggts ♥ (said with love)

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