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I was happy. I was contented. I was loved. I was brave. I was strong. I was okay. I was what everyone wanted. I was complete. I was shameless. I was carefree. I was free. I was living the life everyone wanted. I was satisfied. I was fine.

I became needy. I became greedy. I became mean. I became weak. I became a bully. I became the person I never thought I would turn into.

I know that in life, we all change. We may not know that we are changing. We might not feel it but when we look back, it will surely give us a thought that would ask us, ‘what have I turned into?’ We all have these kinds of moments in life. There is no way out. We all have to go through it, whether we like it or not. That’s just life.

I’ve learned things the hard way. I felt like giving up along the way. But it was a good thing I didn’t. Every misery in life is a blessing in disguise. We just have to wait to found out how it was a blessing in disguise.

It was really a good thing I kept holding on. I may have changed along the way. I may have turned into the person I wasn’t before but I’m grateful that I made it. I survived.

I made numerous mistakes. I do regret some of them but I learned from them. We won’t always have it the easier way. Hence, life would be easy. Life is a journey that we shouldn’t give up on. No one can tell what the future holds so we just have to stay strong.

I made the biggest mistake of my life when I accepted that job. I know I was too young but like what they always have said, I was mature for my age. I didn’t know why they have told me that before but now, it’s crystal clear. I grew up too fast that I forgot how to enjoy life. I do not blame anyone for this but myself. When my father died, I have let my mom, Ally, and my childhood slip away from me. I was forced to grow up when mom and Ally left me.

I chose to grow up at such a young age without actually knowing what I was going into.

Now that I’m 20 years old, people will say that I’m too young to marry someone. Hold on! I’m not yet married but I am engaged. Haha, no. But I know now how to feel being loved. It’s the best feeling in the world!

Here am I standing at the church, walking down the aisle, making my way to the altar wearing this explicit gown that mom and Ally chose for me. I feel like the most beautiful person with everyone staring at me. This moment is flawless but there’s one thing that you’re missing out on: I’m not the bride. I’m just the bridesmaid. But still, it feels perfect and the right moment of my life.

As I walk down the aisle, a smile is painted permanently on my face. I’m happy that my sister is finally getting married at the age of 22. Too young, I know but when you’ve found that someone you’d want to spend your whole life with, nothing will stop it. Love just goes that way.

He makes my sister happy even if he was the first boy to break my heart. Yes, Harry Styles. The same boy who got me into coma for the first time. The same boy who I fell in love with. The same boy who my sister will marry.

It torn me to pieces when I found out that Ally and Harry were a thing back then. It tore me apart. I couldn’t bare with the pain so I made up a lame excuse that I’m gonna go to France to have some vacation.  I went to France alone and cried my life there. I healed myself there. I was fine. When I decided to finally come home, Ally and Harry were planning on their engagement. I just couldn’t protest anymore.

There was nothing I could do to stop them.

You’re probably confused now. Here’s a little summary on what happened after the accident:

So, I was really in a horrid accident. I had broken bones and lots of bruises. I was lucky that the accident had no impact on my brain. I was in a coma for about a week. They were all devastated since I might not wake up anymore. Since they believed that once I was in a coma, the next time I get in a coma I might not wake up anymore. But luckily, I woke up. Hence, I wouldn’t be writing this one.

When I woke up, I felt like no one was there for me so I was all alone. I was forced to fix all the pieces I’ve broken in my life. I had to.

I started fixing my life by admitting everything to the victims. I told them everything. They were hesitant in believing that I was telling the truth. They just couldn’t trust me anymore. I know they won’t believe me but I had to at least, tell them what really was happening. I need to be brave.

After 3 months of my confession, I applied for Modest Management to help One Direction get back the big break they once had. They were hesitant at first but still gave me the chance. I helped One Direction earn the fame they lost. It was hard at first since everyone didn’t take it nicely. But after a few weeks, they understood.  After 2 months of my help, they were back on track. The fans were so grateful that One Direction was finally back.

They even trended stuff like One Direction never left and other sort of stuff. It was really sweet and thoughtful of the fans to do.

After achieving the fame they had, I left again. I left to move on and make things right for me and my family. I was blessed to earn my family’s trust back. Trust is one thing I dearly treasure and them accepting me again made me feel like the most special person on earth. That’s what families do anyways.

Then, when I was in Canada, I randomly bumped into One Direction and we were friends again. I then fell in love with Harry and you get the rest.

I was finally in my seat. Remind me to never want a big church when I get married.

It was finally Ally’s turn to walk. She looked absolutely beautiful. She had always been the perfect type of girl and I was always the one who had not achieved that life. Well, I’ve accepted what I have and what I cannot have.

The wedding ceremony went on and so does the reception.


I may have not found my prince charming yet but I know someday he’ll come. Someday, I’ll be happy like Ally. But for now, all I can do is cherish the moment I live in.

Life doesn’t come easy. It always will have the circumstances that will test our capabilities. If we give up on life, we’ll never find the light that’s meant for us. Each one of us has a purpose in this Earth. We might not realize it immediately but when we try to live our life, we would definitely know it along the way.

Rumours are a crucial part of being famous. We couldn’t control the people behind them but we can definitely control ourselves from not believing it. Just because it is written by a professional journalist, doesn’t mean it won’t contain lies. Paparazzi sells lies for a money. We shouldn’t always believe them.

We don’t have to believe anything that someone says. They could be just lies.

Everything that goes up must come down to see the people they have stepped on. Even the stars they burn, some even fall to the earth. We’ve got a lot to learn. God knows we’re worth it.


Hiya! So this is the epilogue of the book. I don’t know if you liked it, but hopefully you did. It would really mean a lot if I get a comment/vote for one last time. I can finally put the completed sign for this. I hope you learned something from this because I definitely did!

Thank you for all the support you have given me. It means a lot to me and I truly appreciate it. As a writer, feedback is always my bestfriend and readers are my little angels.

 Never ever let an opportunity pass you by.


Stay awesome and Much Love!!


                flawlesstwist :)

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