Ask Why

12 1 1

dec. 29, 2015

ask me how I am
do it. I dare you.
because maybe if you ask me
I'll tell the truth.
but that's just me being hopeful.
hoping that I won't conform to
my typical tendencies.

maybe I just want you to care about me.
I mean, I care about you.
I listen to you.
I ask you how you are.
I listen to you rant.
I stay up with you.
But do you ask me how I am?
No. You don't.
And when you do, you don't help.
You say same.
Same does not help. I need help.

ask me how I am.
do it. I dare you.
I probably won't tell the truth.
Not the whole truth, at least.
I'm too guarded for the whole truth.
that's one of my tendencies.

it's two am.
I lie here, lethargic.
Hopeless. We're all hopeless.
I hope you don't see this.
You probably wouldn't care to read it anyways.
I'll give you the world.
you'll drink the oceans and
throw away the land.
And you won't give me anything
in return.
Thanks for that.

ask me how I am.
do it. I dare you.
maybe I'm sick of giving so much,
and getting so little in return.
I need someone to give me
my time, effort, and energy back.
These things don't come from
thin air.
I am not just air for you to breathe in.
I won't always be there.

I write my problems into melodies
and sing them for my walls.
And yeah, that helps,
but people help too.
I am a person.
I give what I want to get.
Don't forget that.
I hope you see this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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