The unexpected guest

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What is one suppose to do when the one thing they've been avoiding for years finally comes knocking on their front door? Last time I was presented with your unwanted suffocating presences I was about 17 years old. During that time pain was non existent, pain was the last thing I was afraid of. I always knew that pain can be easily taken away with one pill. Things aren't like that for me anymore. Pain is real, pain is meant to be felt, my biggest fear is to feel that pain. I can no longer avoid the unavoidable, things like this cannot be held off, the longer I wait the worse I will feel.
I'm currently staring depression in the face, and I am afraid. Look into my eyes and you can see that I am crying out for help. Looking into your eyes and I can see your anger, you have the capability to destroy me. Unfortunately for me, you are slowly destroy my mind. I'm being forced to face my reality, and that is that I will end up alone in life. I will lose everyone and everything that I love, it's only a matter of time. My anxiety, fear, pain, numbness, and fear will cost me everything and I am only trying to prepare myself for that point. I've been screaming and begging for help and reassurance, but no one cares. So depression I'm looking at you standing right in front of me, I am afraid but I am ready. So give me your all, I have s bigger fight in me now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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