Ranting About My Ex

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You can totally skip this chapter, I'm just ranting about an asshole.

So in 5th grade, I had a crush on this boy. At the time I thought he was going to be my everything if I ever got the courage to talk to him. For four years, I waited in silence waiting to make my move. Then, freshman year in high school, he asked me to homecoming. I literally passed out. We went and had fun, and he asked if I wanted to hang out at his house the next day. Eventually a friendship turned into a relationship and that turned into an engagement. Everything was going great until I started getting sick. The doctors couldn't figure it out at first, and as you probably know, I was sick a lot. He wasn't even there when I got the results. He was out partying with his friends and didn't answer his phone for three days. And as soon as I told him, he demanded I have back everything he ever bought me and never spoke to him again. So that's exactly what I did. I am a strong independent man who substitutes Rupaul and glitter for that asshole.

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