Letter two

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Dear Friend,
         I have a date on Sunday. Well.. It's a coffee date. It's with a girl and she's very pretty in many ways I think. We don't know each other very well yet but I hope we do soon.
Friend, I keep listening to the old songs. The songs that I used to sing before you left, before I had to leave. I'm sorry that happened but.. At least it's not goodbye, right? At least I can still write these letters that will never really be sent and you hopefully can read them.
I want to ask you questions, I want to laugh like we do and smile like we do. I want to ask questions and laugh and smile at your answers. But I want too much. Sometimes I feel like it's all I ever do other than procrastinate. Do you procrastinate? Maybe I've rubbed off on you. You've rubbed off on me. Don't worry, that's a good thing.
I'm coming to Virginia next weekend.  That's miles closer to you.. I wish the car wouldn't stop until we reached your state, the one I can only remember in sunshine and peaches. I want to keep going, keep talking, writing, living, but I want to do it with you again. I know I will soon.

Goodnight not goodbye.

Your friend, Izzy.

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