Chapter 1-The crooked pine

Start from the beginning

Without warning he leaned in, and stole a kiss as the raindrops washed over us. The kiss went on long and slow, and my eyelids droopily shut at his soft touch. Afterwards he pulled away, and we both had to stop and catch out breath. He told me he was watching over me the whole time, he told me the first time he ever laid eyes on me he felt he had to have me or he’d die. He told me I was the first person to ever make him nervous, to ever make his heart flutter. He whispered hopeful words into my ear over and over again. I just stood there afraid to make a wrong move. Finally, I said yes. And we kissed again in the spotlight, and the bus drove right pass us. He offered me to take a ride in his car; I was scared so I refused. Then he angrily growled, Trust me.

He told me a relationship was based on trust for each other, without it, it will whiter and die. He drove me home that night and the following morning he came over to my house to pick me up.

From there on out, we were a couple but I couldn’t help that horrible feeling that Alec was keeping something important from me. He often couldn’t make it too our dates, he was gone for days from time to time. He didn’t react well to people touching him and hated to be anywhere where he’ll be noticed. He disliked whenever the topic of family/background came between us, and usually retreated. It seemed whenever I really needed Alec the most, he was nowhere to be found. When he came back to school, he always seemed alerted and overprotective. I asked him what’s wrong; he told me he wished he could tell me. It felt like as time passed we grown farther and farther apart.

Then one night, I couldn’t take it anymore and I confronted him about his recent behavior. It’s a night I’ll never forget.


“Tell me everything.” I cried, “I know you’re hiding something from me, and I’m tired of you keeping secrets from me…you’re cheating on me aren’t you?”

“Its not like that, Tracie. I can’t tell you what’s really going on.” His head went down in shame. “I just can’t risk it.”

“Oh…so you’re breaking up with me?” I growled, my face turning red hot. “You know what…you’re a real coward, you know that? I really, really hate you, right now. I wish you would just freakin…disappear and never come back so I don’t have to see your pathetic face anymore”- And to top off my anger I finished with-“…You’re just like brad.”

This caught Alec off guard, and I psychically saw his shame turn into fierce anger, “And you know what…Tracie? I could care less about you or anybody else. I should have just left you at the crooked pine, in the fuckin rain, and heart-filled pain…and then You’ll know what I went trough. You don’t know ANYTHING! You don’t even know who the fuck I am!”-He forcefully backed me up against the wall, - “You don’t know what I went trough, to make this relationship work, you Don’t know how hard I tried to be there for you, how I tried to act normal around you to make you happy…well you want to know the truth, I’ll give you it no matter how much it hurts…We were never meant to be, and you’ll never understand why. You’ll never know me, anymore than you do now.”

He pulled away from me looking at me straight in the eye, and walked down the empty hallway. I had never seen him so angry...

 He’s been gone for more than a year now. I haven’t seen him since our fight, in fact nobody has. It’s hard not to think of him when I’m standing on the corner of crooked pine in the rain, at the exact same spot where we met. I have a new boyfriend now, his names Luke parker, he has never let me down and he’s so sweet. The opposite of Alec Salvatore, who was an anti-social T.V deprived maniac.

 Luke is actually always on time for our dates, he’s always there with me whenever I need him. Luke is the basketball star in the school, so I guess that makes me one of the B-Crowder’s. We’ve been going out for about a year and a half now. Luke and I are like one person, we both love the same activities, love to read and Sometimes…party! All of my friends say I’m really lucky to have found a guy as Luke parker. One that can dance, make-out, sexy, sweet and not be smitten. Luke and I met when I entered the AAA club, it’s a club to help tutor totally retarded jocks that have filled there heads with way too many NFL games and left no space for anything useful, like the SAT’S.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2011 ⏰

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