Wasn't Always Like This

Start from the beginning

"Oh shut up, give us one klunking minute," [Y/N] retorted, which caused Newt to chuckle at her blunt yet playful nature.

Minho raised his hands in defence and takes a few steps back, giving [Y/N] and Newt some privacy before they set off for a day in the maze. [Y/N] sauntered forward to meet Newt whose grin had faded but is still evident. [Y/N]'s smile was still prominent. [Y/N] spoke, "So, Newt, what brings you to this side of the maze?"

Newt responded, "Just came to wish you luck today, and I thought I'd mention that I have something to tell you later that I think you may want to hear."

"I'm intrigued," she smirked, "Why can't you tell me now?"

"'Cause," Newt smirked back, knowing the vagueness was driving her insane.

"Just tell me!" She exclaimed.

"Don't be so buggin' impatient!" Newt teased, "I'll tell you later."

She rolled her eyes at him, "Shank," she mumbled under her breath and he playfully glared at her.

"Be careful today," Newt said, his accent more prominent than usual.

"When am I ever not?" She smirked.

"It's just you know what the maze is like," he stated, his tone laced with concern.

"Of course I do," she responded, "I'm a runner, I'm in there daily," he rolled his eyes at her sarcastic nature and tried not to grin in an attempt to seem mildly irritated but he couldn't help himself and let himself smile. [Y/N] continued, "Don't worry; I'll be fine, like always."

Newt smiled, knowing she'll be right. He never worried too much about her in the maze. He did worry but he knew she'd always make it out. He always thought of that one day where she had only recently become a runner and he panicked as all of the other runners had made it out of the maze and she was still in there and as the doors were closing for the night he saw her silhouette as she sprinted through the doors, just in time for her to make it out and wrap her arms around Newt in time with the doors slamming together.

Newt took a step forward and pressed his lips against hers briefly as he does most mornings and she responded the same way she always did, she smiled at his touch.

"Hey wrap this up before the maze doors close, will ya?" Minho shouted from the maze entrance.

[Y/N] took his suggestion to consideration and pulled away from Newt, "See you later," she left him and jogged to Minho who waited to get into the maze and start mapping.

Newt took it upon himself to get ahead of himself in his tasks for the day, as a distraction until the rest of the gladers woke up and [Y/N] returned later.

The day passed quickly which caused butterflies to form in Newt's stomach due to the anticipation. Today was the day he planned to admit his adoration for [Y/N], he felt it was appropriate after a year together in the glade. He knew there was a connection between them when she first trusted him over the other guys in the glade. He knew he'd develop strong feelings for her the day he kissed her and she pulled him closer instinctively.

Night was nearing and Newt leaned against a post which looked directly out to the maze doors and he waited for any sign of [Y/N] and Minho's silhouettes. Gally approached him as he noticed the concerned expression evident on Newt's face. Gally assured his friend, "Don't worry about them it's [Y/N] and Minho, they're the best runners in the glade, they'll make it."

Newt nodded, "I know, they're just a lot later than usual-"

Newt's statement was interrupted by the moving shadow he could see through the maze. He breathed a sigh of relief. Newt and Gally both jogged to the maze doors to greet the runners on their return. Newt kept a close eye on the maze when he could finally make out Minho jogging back to the glade. Newt glanced back every so often waiting for [Y/N] to follow behind Minho.

Minho finally escaped the maze and Newt approached him. The concerned expression on Newt's face said a million words and Minho knew exactly what was on Newt's mind. Minho placed a hand on Newt's shoulder and let out a sigh before shaking his head. Newt was puzzled, "What?" he mumbled in disbelief.

The maze began to grumble and the doors started to close. All of the gladers were awaiting the arrival of [Y/N]. "No!" Newt screamed, lunging towards the doors, ready to run in.

Minho grabbed Newt by his shirt and pulled him backwards, Newt struggled against Minho's grip, fighting to be released so he can run into the maze on time. The doors were half closed; if [Y/N] was able to get out she'd have to sprint. Newt struggled more and Minho had to get a tighter grip, "Are you crazy, shank?" Minho grunted, unable to keep a comfortable hold on Newt.

The doors slammed shut and Newt stopped fighting. He dropped to the ground as his legs were shaking and he was unable to keep himself standing up straight. He let out a sob which hurt his throat as the realisation that the girl he loved wouldn't last another night.

And he never got the chance to tell her how he felt.

"Wow," Thomas spoke, "That's crazy."

"Yeah," Alby exhaled deeply, "We were all sad about it, Newt took it hardest though, didn't eat, didn't sleep, barely did his jobs. We eventually stopped mentioning her all together as it just tore him up."

"I won't say anything," Thomas vowed.

"Good," Alby nodded, "Now we should probably go help Chuck with the crops."

Alby and Thomas sauntered away while Newt keeps his back pressed against a tree so he wasn't spotted. When he can no longer hear the footsteps of his fellow gladers he walks in the direction of the forest. He treaded through the wet leaves and grass combination until he reaches his ideal destination. He reached one of the glade walls where no one goes as it is so hidden. He leaned against the wall before sliding down, releasing a sob and a few profanities from his lips. The memory of that awful day soaked his memory. He silently wished he could have his memory erased for a second time so he didn't have to relive that day ever again.


I am so tired and my mom is being such an asshole. I hate my parents so much >.< OML. No, it isn't like I should be greatful, blah, blah "you atleast have parents, blah, blah, blah" BISH, THEY TREAT ME SO HORRIBLY AND OMG, THEY'RE SO ANNOYING. It's like they love my sister and brother more than me.

Comment if you want Thomas Sangster to save you from whatever hell you're in. (I'd comment one hundred times)

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