Wasn't Always Like This

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"Why are there no girls in the glade?" Thomas asked Alby with a perplexed expression across his face as he tightened the strings holding up his hammock.

Alby's posture hardened in a way that Thomas hadn't seen before, it was unsettling and it intrigued Thomas even more to discover what Alby was thinking. Alby exhaled deeply and furrowed his eyebrows, "It wasn't always like that."

Thomas' curiosity consumed him and he craved more information on this topic, his brain needed nothing but to be satisfied with what Alby mentioned to him, "What do you mean?" Thomas inquired, preparing himself for Alby's answer.

Alby spoke, "There was one girl before. Her name was [Y/N], she was one of the first gladers, and if I can remember correctly she was the twelfth. You would've liked her, she was curious, like you."

"What was she like?" Thomas asked, desperate for more information about this girl.

Alby smiled, "Well, to begin with you need to know what she was like when she first came to the glade," Thomas sat with his eyes widened and his focus all on Alby, waiting to hear his story, "So when she first came here she was angry, as one would expect as all she remembers is her first name. She didn't trust us much; she kept asking us about the place, she kept trying to go into the maze and at one point when Gally was trying to convince her to calm down she punched him in the face," Alby was forced to pause his story due to the laughter outburst from Thomas, Alby smiled at Thomas' reaction before continuing, "she eventually calmed down at the glade, began to trust us and we all got along with her well, especially Newt," Alby chuckled.

"What?" Thomas questioned, wanting Alby to elaborate on the relationship between [Y/N] and Newt.

"Well you see," Alby continued, "When you go almost a year with only boys and a girl suddenly appears, most jumped at the chance to develop a bond with her," Thomas understood what Alby was inferring, "However she was having none of it, except for when Newt came along, I swear it's that shuck accent! They were inseparable, they were fast friends to begin with and after a couple of weeks we all knew there was something going on between them, before they announced it a couple of weeks later. Everyone was happy for them but pretty jealous, that's why they always teased Newt for being such a gentleman with her. They would always go for walks in the evening in the forest, couple of shanks."

"What happened to her?" Thomas asked, him and Alby completely oblivious to Newt hiding behind a tree, overhearing their conversation while he tried not to be spotted.

Alby sighed and the smile faded from his face, "She was a runner. A good one, she's the one who explained what grievers looked like, she had seen one up close and managed to get away from it and out of the maze. She and Minho were the best at mapping, the other runners simply followed their instructions," Alby continued, "Then one day she and Minho were in the maze alone and they came across a griever, he ran but she never came out of the maze."

Thomas' eyes widened as he heard Alby tell the story while Newt forces his shut as he leans against a tree, he tried hard to fight back a sob at the memory, as he is vividly reminded of that day.

It was the crack of dawn and Newt sauntered towards the maze doors which had only just opened when he spied Minho and [Y/N]'s silhouettes in the distance as they prepared for the day ahead. Minho and [Y/N] turn to face the maze and took a step to begin jogging before Newt interrupted, "Wait!" He called to the runners, catching their attention.

[Y/N]'s eyes light up at the sound of his voice and a smile appeared on her face when she noticed the face to match. Newt jogged over to the runners in an effort to get to them quickly so he didn't delay their time in the maze for the day. Newt grinned at the sight of [Y/N] with her hair in a high ponytail and a smile on her face to match his. Minho raised an eyebrow, "I guess I'm interrupting you shanks with your conversation, not like we have a maze to map."

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon