Planning the vacation

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Jake POV
So, I want to take Hailey to St. Barth's  so then I went to call Hailey ask her if she wanted to come on vacation with me to St. Barth's. I went to call her and I knew she would say yes because she loves the Caribbean and she told me that she has always wanted to visit St. Barths
*phone ringing*
HB-Hey babe
J-Hey babe you know how you told me that you love the Caribbean and that if you had to choose one place to vacation there that it would be St. Bart
HB-Yes I do
J-I want to take you to St. Barths
HB-I would love to go with you by the way, can come over?
HB-Okay where are you right now?
J-I am at home right now
J-Do you want to sleep at my house tonight since I am leaving tomorrow?
J-do you want me to come pick you up?
J-alright do you want to pick the car?
J-which one will it be?
HB-The Ferrari
JB-okay be there in 5 minutes

Jake POV
I arrived at Hail's house in California she lives a few minutes down the road from happy I got out of the car and I went over to her and I kissed her on the lips. Then we drove off to my house
***At Jake's House**
When me and Hailey got home we each ran upstairs to get ready for bed then a few minutes later Hailey and I we're laying down in bed together then we both fell asleep.

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