Chapter Twelve

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Christine's POV

To my count, it's been about two months with these people. Rod's been beaten more then once, I can't even face looking at him some days because his eyes are a dark blue and black and his arms are drawn all over with bruises. People are evil and I can't shake the feeling I'm not doing as much as I should be doing to help him.

Each night he holds me as I cry into his chest, my hair is growing rapidly and my eyes are sore from the contacts. I can't face to even look at Katrina. I wonder what she has planned for me, for us even. Every time I cry I think of my mother, my sisters, my brother. No one is helping me out, I'm falling and I can't return to my own two feet. I'm dying slowly, but I'll live nearly forever.

"Here's your food, mutts," Katrina bids us good morning as she lays trays of slop onto our table. Rod doesn't budge, he hardly eats anymore. He hardly does anything.

"Why won't you just kill us already?" I snarled.

"Because what fun would that be?" Katrina smiled. That would be most fun indeed. I just wanted to die already, be with my sister and family up in heaven.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I shivered at the thought of actually eating that muck.

"You're my daughter, Summer, I could never hate you or your little friend. Now shut up and eat," Katrina demanded. I hated her, I hated everything about her down to each single strand of her hair and to each bruise on Rod's body.

"My name isn't Summer," I jumped up at the thought of her calling me Summer and her daughter. I hated it. I just plain hated it.

"Your name is what I say it is," Katrina pushed me down, hitting my head off the metal of the bed. The abuse wasn't even close to hell, yet.

"Leave her alone," Rod snarled.

"You really want to be beaten again, son? Are you really that stupid?" Katrina barked back.

"Mom!" Mackenzie said from behind her.

"Kenzie, why don't you spend time with your sister for the time being. I'll be upstairs, scream when you're done," Katrina closed the door and Mackenzie stood short, but tall, in the center of the road with a huge, pink bag. I pushed the slop off the table.

"You got the paper?" I asked her quietly.

"Paper?" Rod lifted his head up to look at us.

"Yes," Mackenzie hauled a bunch of paper and pens out of her bag. I smiled at her and took it from her hands.

I wrote to my mother in words she'd understand. "Dear mother, I need your help. I'm stupid. Love Christine." I left the address that belonged to Katrina's house thanks to Mackenzie. I put it all together and handed it to her.

Even though Katrina was her mother, Mackenzie was one of the most amazing people I could ever meet. Maybe the situation would of been different, but it was still nice to know in this household someone cared. Someone actually cared about what happens to me.

I hugged her as she screamed for her mother to come down and get her. The letter was stuffed in her bag, with a stamp stamped in the corner to send off to my mother. I didn't know if the note would actually get to mom, or if it got past the house for that matter. I just hoped for the best as Mackenzie walked away.


Jenna's POV

I stared at myself in the mirror. I didn't look at myself with such hatred as I did today in ages. Two months, two long months of my eldest daughter being missing, or kidnapped as the police told me, and I was standing in my washroom waiting for the stupid results of a pregnancy test. I couldn't replace Sam or Christine, why was I even trying? I just stared at myself in the mirror and imagined myself as a teenager, what would I do if I was in Christine's place? Would I hide away or try to release myself? I can't even imagine what she was feeling at this time. I just wanted to hold my daughter, protect her from the evil that loved outside of our house's walls. I just wanted to be her mother.

"Mooommmmm," Emma pounds on the door. "I have to use the washroom."

I grab the plastic stick and walk out, giving my child the resource of the washroom. I could hear Luke and Penelope playing in their bouncy chairs in the nursery. I walked into my bedroom and shut the door. This was the moment of truth, this was the moment of truth. Was I pregnant again, or am I not?

I removed my hand from the view of the results, two red lines looked back at me in horror.

I was indeed pregnant.

My life flashed before my eyes, I saw every problem I had in a matter of seconds. My daughter was kidnapped, my other daughter was murdered and found in a ditch, my best friend babysits during the day for me because she lost her job and I could hardly pay her, and I was pregnant. How was I going to raise another baby in this world when I couldn't even keep the babies I raised already safe? I wasn't meant to be a mother. I was a failure just like my mother always told me. I was meant to grow up, see those who I love die, and then die painfully myself. That was the way my mother set out my life and I hated her for it. I watched as my siblings died, she died, Christine the first die, Nana die, and my own daughter die. If it was possible to trade my life for all of them to live once more, I would.

I would in a heart beat.


I waited for Alex to return from the bathroom, of all of my family I had to tell him first. He had a right to know. I didn't want to tell any of my children until he was notified.

"Mae's pregnant," He announced as he entered the door. "We're finally going to be an aunt and uncle!"

"You're not serious!" I rejoiced. Mae was only a few years older than Christine, three if I remember correctly. At least she waited until she was out of high school to get pregnant unlike my side of the family. "Finally!"

"She's four months along, she told my mother by giving her a 'happy birthday grandmother' card and it took her minutes to realize," Alex hopped into bed and kissed my forehead.

"Speaking of announcements..." I leaned over and grabbed the pregnancy test from the drawer. "We're pregnant."

"You got to be bullshitting me!" Alex's face lifted.

"No bullshitting," I smiled. "Some good news for the first time in ages."

"I love you Jenna Wells," Alex said onto my lips and kissed me right after.

At least I hope it was some good news for the first time in ages.

I hope.

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