Part 28

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We bought popcorn and coke and went in. We found our seats on the third row in the middle and sat down waiting for the film that would start any minute now. We were a little too dressed up for the cinema but with the thought of the restuerant later this was not even enough Zayn explained. I started to worry that I was not looking good enough for him. He laughed it away and said that I looked like an angel with sweats and morning hair style so right now I looked like the queen of all the angels.

"I only want to be the queen if you'll be my king." I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Of course I'll be!" he said and then the film started and it became completly silent.


The film was great, I enjoyed every part of it. That monster in it, made me jump the first time it came on the screen so the rest of the time Zayn held my hand. Really sweet of him.  

Now we sat in the car on the way to the restuerant. It was fifteen minutes away from where I lived which means that we would be there five minutes before eight. The car ride was silent but it was not awkward in any way. It was never awkward when I was with Zayn. We just enjoyed each others company. But the silence held for five minutes before he turned on the radio and started to sing along to the songs. I did not want to ruin it with my terrible voice so I remaind quiet while listening to Zayns angelic voice.

"We're here." he stated and we unbuckled and got out of the car. He took my small hand in his large one and we walked in. It was a really romantic place and looked really expensive. How much money had he spent for this evening?

"Hi, I've made a reservation under the name Zayn Malik." he told the waitress and he nodded.

"This way mr Malik." he responded and lead us to a table in the middle of the restuerant. The place was filled with couples. It was just two families, one with children at my age or some year younger and one with a child that did not look older than eight.  

Zayn pulled the chair out for me, I thanked him and sat down. I could see how much he tried to make this evening perfect but he did not need to put such an effort to it. It is perfect when we are togheter just sitting home and watching some random show on the telly and cuddling.

"This place is wonderful!" I stated, still looking around.

"Yeah it sure is! My dad told me about it so I decided that we would come here his time." The waitress came with two menues and asked us what we wanted to drink. Even though Zayn could choose between wines as well he decided not to because I could not.

"bubbly water please." I said.

"The same for me too, thank you." He nodded and left us. I spottet a blonde girl sitting alone two tables away from us. She wore her hair in a pony tail and had casual clothes on. Too casual for a place like this. She had the menu covering her face so I could not see it. But why would I when I had Zayn, the perfect guy sitting in front of me?

"Have you decided what you want to eat?" I looked up and saw that the waitress was back. We closed our menues and gave him our orders. He took the menues and left to get us our food.

"This evening is perfect, thank you."

"For what?" He looked confused.

"For being the perfect boyfriend who goes through this much trouble just to take me on the most perfect and wonderful date I've ever been on." I explained. He took my hand in his over the table and smiled.

"I would do anything for my perfect girlfriend." he said and I felt the blush creep on my cheeks. "I love how you still blush when I say anything like that to you even though we have been togheter for five months and after everything we've done." My cheeks felt like they were on fire now.

"Let's not talk about that so loud in here." I said and he laughed quietly.  

Our food arrived and we started eating. The blonde girl got her food as well, she had ordered the same thing as us. She had her hand covering her face but I swear she looked like Molly. But what would Molly do here alone? I am maybe just being paranoid after her little threat in that café.

"Is everything okay? You seem a little bit distracted." Zayn stated and I turned my attention to him.

"Everything is fine, I'm just enjoying this incredible food and trying to take in how beutiful this place is." He seemed to believe it becaus he started to comment the food. When we finished it was still time left so we left and went to a beach nearby to take a short walk. I took off my shoes and left them in the car. My feets have started to hurt at this point and besides we were going to walk in the sand. It is surely not the best place to walk with high heels on.  

We walked while holding hands.

"Zayn? Have you ever tought of focusing on a music career?"

"No, why?"

"You have an incredible voice, I think you need to share it otherwise the rest of he world won't ever hear it and that would be such a shame, it's too beutiful to be hidden."

"Thanks but I prefer to keep it this way, I'm too shy to sing to someone else it was barely that I was able to sing for you." After that answer I dropped that subject to not be the annoying girlfriend who nags to much.

"Do whatever feels good for you, I support you in all your decisions." He let go of my hand and laid his arm around my shoulders.

"Feels good to know that. We should be heading home now so we're there in time, I don't want your mum to start hating me." I laughed at his nervouse tone. We started to walk towards the car.  

In the parking lot it hurt to walk without shoes because of all the tiny stones so I tried to tip toe unnoticed but Zayn noticed anyway. Without a warning he scooped me up and carried me bridal style.

"What are you doing?" I protested trying to get down.

"You can't walk on here without shoes." He said and unlocked the car. Without letting me down he opened the passenger door. I sat down on the comfortable seat. He closed the door and walked over to the drivers side.  

When we drove out of the parking lot I swear that I saw the blonde girl standing there with her back against us. Zayn did not seem to notice and I did not tell him either.

We arrived to my place and I unblucked and got out of the car. He did not surprise me when he did the same thing. He always walked me to the door. I noticed that it was unlocked and opened the door.

"Thank you for this evening, It isn't enough words in the english dictionary to explain how perfect this was."

"Glad you enjoyed it, to see your smile was my goal so I guess I scored." he said, using football references. I smiled and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. He bent down a bit and made it easier for me. I heard my mums footsteps coming towards us so I quickly pulled away. 


"Goodnight." he answered with a wink and walked towards his car. We both knew that he would park his car on the block next to us and climb in through my window later. I went in to see my mum standing there with a smile on her lips.

"Right in time, I start to like him a little bit more now. How was your date?" I returned the smile.

"Absolutely perfect but I'm really tired now, goodnight mum."

"Goodnight darling, glad that you sleep early for school tomorrow." I did not answer because I would not sleep early tonight. It is just an excuse to be able to be alone in my room with the door closed without my mum disturbing. Zayn can not be found in there, she would defenetly forbid me from seeing him if she found him in my room that late. 

I closed the door and heard a quiet knock on the window. Zayn is here! I smiled and went to open for him.

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