Mee and friends

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Meera's pov:

"Hiii Mee! We are here, common, let's leave! " I heard my friend June shouting at the top of her lungs as she entered my house.

I scrunched up my face when she called me, Mee, it's so weird, I have a name and I hate it when people call me Mee instead of Meera. I walked down the staircase, and saw her sitting on the couch, nibbling at her candy.

I replied,"Hi July!"

June looked at me chuckling then said in mock anger ,"Hey! I know my name is like a mini-calendar, June March. I seriously don't understand what was wrong with my parents to name me that. And Meera dearest, after having being called Miss Calender my whole life, I will appreciate your Not calling me July!"

I smiled and locked my hands with her, as we walked outside my house. I spotted Beth on the driving seat and Naaz riding shotgun and June ran to the back seat asking me to hurry up.

I was barely seated, and Beth sped off, we were going to the carnival, excitement radiated from my friends, They loved the carnival.

Naaz liked the carnival because it had lots of junk food, and she practically survived on them.

Beth liked it because, she said, there are cute and romantic guys to meet(read: make out with), yeah right, that was the cue to burst out laughing. Who meets cute guys in a carnival?

And June, well she was the most fun-loving of all, she absolutely adored the carnival.

I didn't exactly have a fascination to it, but seeing by friends rejoicing always made me smile.

"We are here!!" Beth's loud voice, snapped me out of my thought, as I noticed them getting down and stretching.

Naaz looked pretty, she was wearing black skinny jeans, a tank top and a denim jacket with her hair pulled up in a pony. She said, this kept her hair from falling in the food.

Beth looked, well like Beth, she was like the barbie of our group. She was tall, had the perfect hourglass figure and great dresses to flaunt it. She was wearing denim shorts and an off-shoulder top. Her long legs looked sexy. But then that's how she gets the guys.

June, well June was pretty, in most terms, she often looked most attractive, or may be I thought so. She was short(5'2") and not skinny, not fat, meaning, if she wore the right clothes, she looked hot. She was like Snow white's descendant, with a skin painfully White. Today she looked cute, her 3 quater pants and a tanktop with sneakers, made her look more like a 8th grader than a sophomore in high-school. Her hair was braided in the side.

I felt as if all of them looked too good for the occasion, while I, looked just good. I mean I know I am pretty, but still. I was wearing a plaid pink skirt and a matching top with my hair straightened and let loose.

June dragged me out of my thoughts and we entered the carnival after buying tickets and those bracelets to let us go on all the rides.

Well, our carnival tour started with June pulling us all into the ferris wheel and us protesting, yet enjoying the ride; then Naaz dragging us to the hotdog centre to fill us in and then June again pulled us to some other ride, which made us all dizzy and Beth puked.

AND... Before I could say pause, and take a breath, Beth was ready to go and attack the boys.

Well, you can imagine right? With 3 crazy bestfriends, with completely different obsessions, life does get difficult.

I followed them around like a lost puppy, trying to get heard, attention, but they always skipped what I wanted, since they knew I was OK with everything.

We finally stopped near the candyfloss stall, this time it was June stopping us not Naaz. June loved candyfloss, she could eat all the candyfloss in the world and still want more, but if she got high on sugar, she became unstoppable.

I tried to stop her, but she didn't listen, but then my friends hardly listen to me, unless it's school work. I have always been the nerd of the group, and June the leader. She was always like this, even in middle school when people called her Miss Calender, she used to laugh it of, saying hey that's OK, but don't wax my hands with post its. And people laughed at her jokes, even when they weren't funny.

I was lost in thought, when I told her,"I won't take a candyfloss. " as she asked me if I wanted one.

But she bought one anyways for me, she knew I wanted one, just didn't want to voice my opinion. I had always been that insecure girl, not wishing to go loud, scared to be heard.

I grinned at her, but then, I noticed she had had 2 rounds of cotton candy, and I knew it was time for us to go around the fair again, this time with an ultra-energetic June.

Our day ended, after June had played all the games, Naaz had eaten all the food the fair had to offer and Beth had made out with 4 guys.

We returned home.

As I entered my home, I wondered, if I would ever be able to be like my friends, happy-go-lucky type and will I ever have love in my life?

But then, the worried faces of Naaz, Beth and June came to my mind, how they looked after me, cared for me always. I didn't even need love when I had such awesome friends.

I showered and changed into my night dress and lay down to sleep, thanking God for such awesome friends.



Hello dearies,
This is the first update, a sneak and peak into Meera's life. I hope it was fun to read.

Next chapters will be better, I promise. I know it was slow in this chapters, but the story will gain pace, just wait and watch.

Also, I would love to know your feedbacks, if u don't like commenting, pm me, but please do give me feedbacks, it motivates and makes me happy.

Thank you every one for reading, I hope you guys will continue.





Love you

The Stalked.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora