19: Shots! Dead!

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It all happened so fast.

When Faith bit Hannah, he ran. Caleb was glad, but then Odin got free and tackled James. That made James dropped the gun. Caleb struggles to get free. Hannah had somehow tripped and fallen face down while she tried to run after Faith.

"You asshole!" Hannah yelled at James.

Meanwhile, Caleb managed to get free and rushed toward the gun. But Hannah beat him to it, and the trigger got stuck.

While Hannah was distracted by trying to get the gun to work, Caleb snuck up on her and pushed Hannah; she fell backward. And as she fell, the gun went off. The bullet hit the ceiling. The already dangerous roof that looked like it could collapse at any moment.

And the ceiling was coming down, just by that one hit. Caleb had to pull Odin off James and dragged him. They didn't get far, James opens fire.

And Odin did too. When did he get a gun?

"Odin, we have to go," Caleb said. "Don't risk your life."

"Not until they're both dead!" Odin yelled. "You killed my parents!" Caleb heard James laughed.

Caleb wondered if he will confess. If so, he took his phone out and began to record him. Hannah was stupid enough not to search him for his phone. They are the lousiest kidnappers ever.

"What aren't you glad they dead?" James kept laughing. "I mean, they didn't even care about you. Aren't you glad I got rid of them for you." Busted. "They had it coming. I enjoyed shooting them."

Odin let out another round before he ran out of bullets. But he had more in his pocket.

"We have to go, Odin," Caleb said. "Don't do anything stupid. You're injured." He aimed but didn't shoot. He lowers his hand and nod.

When they were about to run, a shot got fired. And this time it didn't miss. Caleb heard Odin gasp. Caleb thought he got shot.

But it wasn't him.

"Caleb!" Caleb looks down. Blood began to soak the front of his blue shirt.

"Wow," Caleb smiled. "I didn't even feel that." Caleb soon began to feel the pain and started to feel dizzy. Odin caught him. With all the adrenaline, he didn't feel the bullet hit him until now.

"Don't die on me!" Odin held him up. "I need you to run. Run, even if you can't handle the pain!"

"I will kill you both!" They heard Hannah yelled.

"Run!" Odin pushed Caleb out the door. He won't allow Caleb to die. His special to Faith.

Odin will gladly switch life if it meant keeping Caleb alive.

Caleb did what Odin told him to do. He ran out.

Even when he heard shots, Caleb did look back, and when he did, he bumped into Faith, who stood there talking on the phone.

After he bumped into her, he heard a loud explosion than nothing.

Caleb doesn't know what happened after that. But when he woke up, he saw Faith leaning over him.

"Mama, you'll be okay, uncle Sawyer is on his way," she sobbed. Caleb reached up and caressed her cheek. "Mama, the building collapse, and it's on fire. I don't think Odin made it out." She cried.

Caleb doesn't want her to suffer. He didn't want her first relationship to end like this.

Caleb pulled her down and hugged her. Even with the pain he was feeling. He could endure.

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