Brooklyn's Point Of View

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Bailey and I had just turned 16 and that we means we can officially drive, and I knew this was going to happen. Bailey and I would have to carpool the kids around which wasn't the greatest thing in the world. "Don't make us late!" Kamri yelled "Stop screaming we are here!" We dropped them off right before the tardy bell rang 8:30. "At least they didn't miss the bell we only have 20 minutes to get to school so hurry up" "Bailey, I'm trying!"
Finally after what seemed like ages we arrived and parked and were in the building. "Bye Bay!" "Bye Brook see you at lunch" I walked through the hall to my locker. I had Spanish first so I grabbed all my textbooks. "Hey Brooklyn! Did you hear the news?" "Hey Amanda! No what happened?" Amanda Steenly was a really good friend of mine considering we had most classes together. You made the reigional dance for drill team!" "I did!" "Yes, and you got Front Line!" I was screaming with joy on the inside. In our Drill Team everyone is apart of the team but you have to try out for the dances and reigional was the dance everyone wanted to make because that meant you dance for championships and homecoming game! I had never been on front line so I was also a little bit nervous. "Brooklyn I am so proud of you" "Thanks, Well I have to get to class see ya around!" "Bye Brook!" I started walking to class which was a good 2 minute walk from my locker until I saw Andrew Boya he has been my crush for a long time. He looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes and smiled. I managed to make a quick smile back until I tripped over someone's stack of books on the floor. Andrew came rushing over to help. "Are you okay?" He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Thanks. I have to go bye" I picked up my books and sprinted away which was really stupid too do in front of the boy I liked.
The rest of the day went well, I got an A on my Spanish test and passed all of my finals for half semester. When the bell rang 3:50 I hopped in the car and waited and waited. It was 4:20 and I haven't seen a sign of Bailey. When we got home we had a YouTube video to make and tons of homework but after that it was spring break and I was so exited! But Bailey still hasn't shown up. "Hi sorry" Bailey quickly hopped in the car out of nowhere. "Hi where have you been?" I started the car and quickly started driving. "I was finishing my math test and my teacher wouldent stop talkingso it took double the time and trust me I don't wanna miss this test!" " Well next time go in early we have so much to do!" "Ya but its spring break!" "I know but we have to get all of our stuff done you know the rules." "Ya I know"
Then when we arrived and walked in we saw the family gathered around the family room.
"What happened?" Bailey asked.

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