"Aha😂 your the only punk here girly.😂" she explains giggling."And I made breakfast Nina so when your done go eat." She says smiling and leaving, closing the door behind her. As I hear her footsteps fade away I jump up and go into my bathroom in my room. Turning the shower on hot.
      As I stand in the shower with steamy water running over my face I begin to think back 10 years ago. The image of poppy killing himself and mama replayed over and over. The more I thought about it the shorter my breaths got. Avoiding the potential panic attack, I quickly washed up and went to pick out my clothes. As I walked into the walk-in closet I picked out a long sleeve form fitted white crop top that was low cut revealing just a bit of cleavage. Then I put on some high waisted light blue (almost white)  jeans and I put my 7's on bc they are white and blue. Walking back into the bathroom I let my long damp curls fall down past my shoulders tossing it a bit and parting it with my fingers.
    By time I was done I only had 15 minutes to get to school so I grabbed my phone and my white and black book bag and my car keys and jogged out of my room into the kitchen. Kissing sissy on the cheek and grabbing two pieces of bacon I ran out side to my car and pulling off without a word.

"Your 2 minutes late ms Guteriez.🤔😑" Mr. Ruiz scolded me as I stepped in.

" I'm sorry Mr.😐😳 I had um .. Car problems." I lied horribly

"Ugh Alina. The only thing that doesn't spell expensive about your car is the little paint chip you always complain about." Mr. Ruiz says face palming obviously detecting my lie. I stand there just looking at him hoping he will give me a break.

"Alina I'm sorry but this is the 17th time.... And I'm required to give a detention after just the first three. So I think we both know what that means."
Mr. Ruiz says trying not to sound like an asshole.

"Ugh no. Fine." I say rolling my eyes and sitting next to my friend Jade.

    Before class ended Mr. Ruiz handed me  yellow sheet basically showing that I have a detention for 30 minutes tomorrow. I sighed at the paper I relief that at least he was easy on me.
   When the bell rang for second period Jade stood next to my desk as I grabbed my books. Jade was a short light skinned girl with short curly dark brownish reddish hair with pretty brown eyes. I always admired her strong jaw line and her natural beauty and her white-Ish tan skin. She was my best friend. As she stood waiting on me she red my detention slip.

"Oh it's not.. Aaawful.🙂" she said wearing an adorable smile.

"Heh. Yea whatever.😅" I laugh getting up and walking with her into the hall. As we walked to gym giggling and joking I locked eyes with a tall boy with caramel skin and hazel eyes. I felt a blush spread on my cheeks as his gaze went right through me. And a sexy smirk played on his lips after he noticed my quick blush. I snapped my head towards Jade giggling and trying to seem like I was talking to her.

" damn who is he?" She said teasing me and licking her lips. Then she paused for a moment as we continued walking.
"Uhm... And why is he walking towards us?" She asked snickering and nudging me with her elbow.

"Stop joking!" I laughed. With a smile finding its way to my lips.

" I'm not." She said. "Look"

As I lifted my head in that direction to prove her wrong, it seemed like every thing slowed down... Like slow motion.

In slow motion he walked and I examined him. He was caramel colored with a tall fit structure. His jaw bone strong and Adam's apple clearly seem. His white teeth showed as he smirked and glared at me like he was coming over to embrace me. His chocolate brown curly hair falling perfectly on his head, hazel eyes staring deep into me. The longer I stared at him the more I craved to know his name. As he reached me and Jade he looked at me and smiled.

"Uh hey..." He said with a sexy deep voice. "I saw you, and you look like you know this place very well... Sooo um would you mind telling me where the gym is?" He asked smirking and looking into my brown eyes.

"Uh. Yea sure. We are heading there now. Just um... Follow me." I said trying my best not to sound awkward.

Hey!!! Sorry for the late update! I'm really busy with school and essays so I nvr rlly get time but enjoy this fairly long chpt. Leave constructive feedback/comment and vote and share and everything in between. Thanks a lot and I'll try to update soon. Love you guys.!🙂🙂🙂😇

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