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Nina: Hello I will start with my name, I am Alina Guteriez ( Goo-tair-ee-ez)... I am. I am. I... Am...

Interviewer: Do you wish to continue Alina? I know this is hard for you, your story is... Very tragic. So if you want to stop now I will completely understand.

Alina: No sir, I will continue. I'm sorry.😔

Interviewer: No need to apologize Alina. Just start when you are ready.

Alina: Ok. Um my name is Alina Guteriez. And I am also known as Nina... My story starts when I was six years old this was long ago, but a day I will truly never forget... It all started when my Poppy and mama got into a fight, it was normal to me.. They always had petty arguments left and right... This time it was different.
Mama always had a man named Spencer come over while daddy was away. My 16 year old sister was not very fond of him at all. She would always threaten mama when he came over that she would tell poppy. I was only six and therefore I did not realize mama was having an affair with Spencer. I hadn't even known what an affair was. Poppy began to be violent with mama, every time he wasn't on a business meeting he would slap, punch... Kick...choke... And sometimes when she bathed me he would put her head under the water until she was almost asleep. Anytime I would ever witness poppy hurting mama he would give me candy or ice cream... He'd brush my long curly hair behind my ear and kiss my forehead... He always said the same words that I will forever remember...
"Tú eres mi princesa, mi sol, y para siempre mi hermosa hija"
(Translation: You are my princess, my sunshine, and forever my beautiful daughter)
But this one specific day poppy was on a business trip, mama and spencer were in mama and poppies room... "Wrestling" as she always told me. Cynthia, my older sister and I were down stairs watching Elmo very loudly like we always did when mama and Spencer were... Wrestling.
Then I saw him, I pointed and said to my sister with an innocent dumb smile on
"Sissy poppy home😄"
Jumping up I opened the heavy birch wood door with my tiny arms and looking out the humongous window I first spotted him in. Running to him and hugging his leg.... Louder than the tv I heard sissy run up the stairs second later all I could faintly hear over the ridiculously loud tv was sissy, mama and Spencer yelling. Suddenly poppy knelt down and kissed my forehead for the last time. And repeated his script that he told me every time I saw mama getting hurt. He hugged me tight picking me up and taking me inside shutting the door. As he sat me on the white couch he unplugged the tv. He the peeled up a lose birch floor board and pulled out what looked like a more defined toy gun. I was about to find out it was real... Poppy ran up the stairs and joined the shouting. Very quiet with tears running down my cheeks I listened to the muffled yelling of poppy, mama, Spencer, even my sissy... Even my sissy...

"Who the fuck is this Keisha?!?"

"Jimmy please baby calm down we can talk about this!! Baby please just put it down" I could hear the muffled cries of mama.

"Look guy please don't shoot!! I'll leave I'll leave!!" Spencer pleaded with him.

"Shut the fuck up puto!!"

"Poppy nooo! Poppy!!"
I heard my sissy cry before hearing a tremendously loud bang. Shortly after my sissy ran down the stairs basically jumping Down five at a time. As I looked at her she had been splashed intensely with the blood of Spencer. She ran and jumped on the couch picking me up and sitting with me on her lap she buried her face into my shoulder hugging me tight. Then I looked over and saw mama run down the steps with her pink night gown on also splattered with blood tears running down her cheeks he ran into the kitchen and ran back to the living room with a knife. Poppy walked down the stairs calmly. Soon as his foot touched the floor mama charged at him with knife... Poppy dropped his gun when mamas knife pierced poppies shoulder. other than dropping his gun he showed no sign of pain or weakness. Quickly he grabbed mamas shoulder length dark curly hair and turned her away from him and forcing her to look up. He removed the knife from his shoulder with a deep grunt and a single tear . Mama was choking on her tears and fight to put her head back down. Papa whispering ...
"I love you" he slit mamas throat and allowed her to finally turn toward him. Sissy looked in panic at the terrifying sound escaping mamas lips. She stood up dropping me to the floor and running to hold mamas neck. Sissy was screaming and crying and blood spured out of mamas neck when sissy laid her on the floor. Poppy was covered in blood. Calmly he pulled out his cell phone and gave our address and said

"A tragedy has jus occurred..." Without hanging up he picked up his gun said he loved us both. Slowly he brought the gun to his head. Before he could kill himself I screamed with all my heart and soul.
"Poppy noo! Please don't leave me!!!"
Sissy turned around and looked at poppy... Tears ran down his face as he looked at us he dropped his phone but not the gun.
"Please! Poppy!" Sissy pleaded.

"I'm sorry." He whispered closing his eyes tight taking a deep breath and pulls the trigger...

Interviewer: Alina that was... Wow... It's art.

Alina: This is not ART... This is tragedy.😖😔

Hey guys I hope you like the start to this new peice I'm working on. Pleas comment and give productive feed back I feel like I really need it😅  I'll try to update every day but it might be a little bit hard since I am still in school and if u have any cool ideas for this pleeeeeas comment

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