Mindy's Point Of View

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It was 7:30am and I was getting the kids ready for school, the morning wasn't off to a great start. Rylan woke up late, Kamri forgot to do her homework and Paisley spilled orange juice all over the new couch. Mornings are always hectic but this one was over the top. "Mom the bus is here!" Rylan screamed. We all panicked and looked out the window as the bus rolled to our stop. "Oh okay hurry, grab your backpacks and go!" But it was too late. The kids barely missed the bus. "Brooklyn and Bailey your going to have to take Rylan and Kamri to school!" "But mom there campus is 15 minutes away from ours and we are almost late ourselves why can't you or dad take them?" "Brooklyn I said take them now hurry if you don't wanna be late!" Brooklyn sighed and headed out the door. Bailey closely followed behind Rylan and Kamri and they were out the door. I turned and waved them goodbye as they rolled off. I walked back into the kitchen relieved of the caos to find a huge scrambled mess about our kitchen table. "Next time before I send them off to school remind myself to make them put there dishes in the sink." Feeding and cleaning up for a family of 8 isn't the easiest job in the world. After I picked up there mess it was around 9:00 and time to take Daxton and Paisley to school. "Dax and Paisley time to go!" They weren't as much as a hassle, I got in the car and dropped them off. Then I had the rest of the day to myself, which doesent happen to often but it was the Friday before spring break so I tried to take in the moment. I decided I was going to pack for out surprise trip we are going on, To Hawaii! The kids didn't know yet but I was planning on telling them when they get home so hopefully it will be a good suprise!

A day in the life of the Mcknights!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें