Tag Game!!!!

70 8 14

 Hello this is the tag game and I was nominated by DalekExterminator for the tag game ok lets start.

Nickname: Pearl  (real name Perla)

Eye color: medium brown but they change depending on my mood (one time they were green)

Hair color: dark brown

One fact about me: I have had only two boyfriends before, one in my school and one on wattpad but I'm not dating neither of them anymore

Favorite color: Purple

Favorite place: my room or in Mexico

Favorite celebrity: Adam Sandler and Niel Patrick Harris

Favorite animal: Snow leopard

Favorite song: Sarcasm by Get Scared
Favorite Book: Harry Potter Series

People I nominate:
FlowerMist7432, BlackMistPhantom, CElvira, erikaloha, goku_for_life, imagonista,Ivone7, Jane_The_XD_KILLER, JEFF_THE_XD_KILLER, Jessamine1031, KhaycieBlack, langoanderson, Leonvine455, Llamanic_CipherPines, Miley127, Prince_Nyx_Nightmare, puppetmaster1313, Rachelshy, RavenxRamen, Rocko-455

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