The Beginning

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Hi, before you start the story i wanted to let you know this is my first story... so if you have suggestions, comments, things you like , or things you don't please let me know (in a kind way!) I am open to your opinions!
From the minute she laid eyes on him she knew... he was the one.
"I met this really cute guy the other day." Said Taylor
"Really.." asked Karlie "what was his name?"
"Adam..he's super tall, super cute, scottish, he loves music, he has beautiful blue eyes and blond hair.."
"Sounds like someone has a crush!" Says Karlie in a teasing voice
"Shut up, No I don't... I can think someone's cute and not have a crush." Remarked Taylor
"Thinking someone's cute is one thing, but sitting there gushing about them means you have a CRUSH!" Karlie emphasized the word Crush just to tease me more.
"I was just describing him to you..." said Taylor in denial
"So you don't like him at all? You don't want to see him again?" Asked Karlie with a smirk.
"Well I never said I didn't like him..."
There conversation was cut off by a knock on the door.
"Are you expecting someone?" Asked Karlie
"No" Taylor replied
Taylor got up and went to the door, she opened it and found the cute tall blonde with blue eyes that she just described to Karlie.
"Adam?!?" Said a shocked Taylor "What are you doing here?"
"Hi Taylor!" Said Adam with his cute Scottish accent "sorry to just stop in... but I wanted to see you again."
Just then Karlie walks over and sees who appears to be the man Taylor just described.
"Who's this?" Asks Karlie who knows what the answer will most likely be
"Karlie this is Adam, I met him the other day at a concert. Adam this is Karlie my best friend." Said Taylor introducing them.
"Hi" they both said almost in unison
"Do you want to come in?"offered Taylor
"Only if you don't mind, I don't want to intrude." Said Adam
"We don't mind at all!" Said Karlie loudly
Taylor giggled making Adam smile, "You have a cute laugh." Commented Adam making Taylor turn bright red and giggle more.
Once they were in the living room Taylor asked "do you want something to eat or drink?" "Do you have any tea?" Asked a thirsty Adam "Of course!" Said Taylor who turned and went into the kitchen to make tea.
"You like her don't you?" Said Karlie
"How can you not?" Asked Adam
"You know.." said Karlie "She likes you too."
"Yah, before you came to the door she was telling me all about the cute, scottish, blond haired boy with beautiful blue eyes that she met."
"Did she really say that?" Adam asked doubtfully
"Oh ya, she has a huge crush on..." Karlie was cut off by Taylor entering the room.
They all drank some tea and had some homemade cookies then Adam announced that he had to leave, so they said there goodbyes and once Adam was gone Karlie looked at Taylor and said "GUESS WHAT!!" in an excited voice. "What?" Asked Taylor "Adam has a crush on you too!"
"What?!? Karlie you didn't tell him I had a crush on him did you?"
"Whatever Karlie, anyway it's 4:30 don't you have a meeting at 5?" Asked Taylor changing the subject
"OH MY GOD! You're right I totally forgot, I have to go, bye Tay!"
"Bye" said Taylor.
After Karlie left Taylor decided to go make dinner and then go to bed early, and dream about Adam.

Was that ok? Please let me know in the comments what you thought. I'll try to update the story tomorrow after school.

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