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Cinderpelt sorted through the herbs, looking for Marigold. Fireheart was in the medicine den with deep claw marks down his side. "Really Fireheart, sit still i'm trying to get your wounds healed." Cinderpelt meows frustratingly.

Fireheart puffs out his chest, "I'll be fine! Stop fussing over me and help the others!" Meowed the orange furred deputy.

Cinderpelt rolled her blue eyes and gripped a yellow plant in her teeth, "This is Marigold, i'm going to chew it and apply it to your scratches" She mutters impatiently.

Fireheart looked at the plant and nodded. "Of course" he replied. 

Cinderpelt began chewing the petals and looked at Fireheart's wounds. "You'll need to stay here while that heals" she said sternly.

The orange tom looked at her, "But I promised I'd go hunting with Sandstorm! I can't go back on that, she'll claw my pelt off!" He meowed wide eyed.

Cinderpelt felt her fur rising as she snapped at him, "Sandstorm doesn't own you! You're the deputy and you're scared of a scrawny she-cat?" Pain and anger burned in her blue eyes.

Fireheart looked at the gray she-cat and sat up, "Sandstorm is my mate and I don't want to make her upset!" He growled through clenched teeth.

Cinderpelt flinched as he said mate. She dipped her gray muzzle to him, "You're right, I'm sorry" She meowed not looking at him.

Yellowfang walked into the den and felt hostility in the air as thick as the thunderpath "What's going on?" she meowed narrowing her amber eyes.

She looked at Cinderpelt and flicked her matted tail for her to come. "Why are you acting like this!" Yellowfang meowed when they were alone.

Cinderpelt looked into her mentor's eyes, "I love him and he won't stop talking about that mangy she-rat Sandstorm! It's like he knows and he's trying to make me upset!" She replied.

Yellowfang shook her head, "You're a medicine cat, you can't have a mate." She meowed.

Cinderpelt's fur bristled as she glared at Yellowfang. She dug her sharp claws into the dirt. "I didn't ask for this, becoming a medicine cat was never my intention." She meowed glancing at her mangled leg.

Yellowfang's eyes blazed "Then why did you say yes when I asked?" she snapped.

Cinderpelt flicked her tail irritably "I don't want to be the youngest elder ever! I didn't even contribute enough before the accident to deserve to stay." Cinderpelt meowed, looking dejected.

Yellowfang rested her tail on Cinderpelt's shoulder "You don't have to be a medicine cat, you can go to the elders den, all you have to do is ask Bluestar." She meowed softly. 

Cinderpelt dipped her head and padded toward the leader's den.

Cinderpelt hesitated as she got to the opening. "I can smell you lingering out there Cinderpelt, come in." Bluestar meowed.

Cinderpelt stepped into the cave opening, water trickled at the back of the cave and Bluestar sat in a moss nest lined with feathers.

"I don't want to be a medicine cat anymore" she meowed after a while. Bluestar looked startled for a second then regained her composure.

"Why?" She asked. Cinderpelt shuffled her paws, "I want to be an elder." she replied.

Bluestar let out an amused purr "Aren't you a little young?" Cinderpelt looked at her paws 

"I can't have a mate, I didn't ask to have my leg twisted like this. I just want to show Fireheart how I feel." She shocked herself.

Bluestar nodded slowly, "If you wish" she said "then we will have the ceremony at sunhigh." she meowed dismissing the dark gray she-cat. 

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