Chapter 2

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Candice ---------->

Throughout the day MJ had a hard time concentrating on all her other classes. She tried to not let her English assignment get to her but she just couldn’t help but to think about all the wrong things that could happen. ‘It’s only dangerous if you make it that way.’ Yea right, MJ thought. It became dangerous ever since she stuck her hand in that damn box. MJ was never one to judge something so quickly but she just couldn’t help it in this case. There were too many ‘what if’ scenarios that were wondering in her mind.

What if he’s a murderer?

What if he’s a rapist?

What if he’s a serial killer with a preference of innocent high school girls?

What if he’s on parole?

What if…What if…What if…

MJ slowly made her way toward the cafeteria with her mind somewhere else. People spoke to her as she passed but she was too busy thinking of her “what if” scenarios. As she walked in the café she absentmindedly made her way to the table she always sat at with her best friend Candice and a few others. She actually dreaded coming to lunch because she knew what Candice’s reaction to the assignment would be like. Candice too had Mrs. Bola, but while MJ had her second period Candice had her third. So MJ knew Candice had already picked her inmate and was prepared for all the things Candice had to say about it.

“Marisol Arianna Jamison are you listening to me!” Candice shouted in her best friend’s ear as she snapped her finger in front of MJ’s face. MJ popped out of her thoughts and zeroed in on Candy’s green eyes. Candice was the complete opposite from MJ in looks. MJ was short at the height of 5’5 while Candice was taller at 5’8. MJ was a raven girl with long dark colored hair, while Candice had short blonde hair. MJ had honey brown eyes, yet Candice had sea water green eyes. Both considered beautiful in their own way and both are each other’s best friends since first grade.

“Yes, I’m listening Candice. Now what were you saying?” MJ responded while munching on Candice’s ketchup soaked French fries. Candice rolled her eyes at her friend.

“I was saying aren’t you excited about the English project! Isn’t it great! I already started writing my letter. I wonder what my guy would be like? I know he’s hot, I mean he has to be and he’s like a total bad boy you know because of the whole he’s in jail thing…” MJ zoned out as her best friend continued talking. They’re many more things that are opposite between them like Candice is impulsive she doesn’t really think about the outcome of the things she does; while MJ goes over every scenario there is before she jumps into something. They know they are different yet they balance each other out. Candice, although it may not seem like it at times, is very smart and mellow, when she wants to be. And MJ isn’t exactly an all around good girl herself.

“… but his name is Jagger Monroe. Now you can’t tell me that isn’t like a badass name. I think it hot-” MJ snapped back into the conversation when she heard the name Jagger. She realized that Candice had gotten the other name that she had drawled from the box. She couldn’t help but think that it was fate. Maybe she chose the wrong name. Maybe she was supposed to have Jagger’s name instead of Ajax’s. MJ decided not to say anything, instead she would keep her guy and just observe Candice’s.

“Are you not the least bit curious? I mean come on MJ, you got to admit the assignment is kinda cool.” Candice explained to MJ trying to get her to open up about the assignment.

“Well, if you like that kind of thing I guess so. But what if our guys are like murderers? That’s not exactly a good thing Candice.” Candice rolled her eyes at MJ’s negativity.

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