Chapter 9

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Reneesme Pov.

I've missed Zoe so much it's been difficult with the move to London after living in Forks for so long, mum and dad are always talking as if we weren't going to see any of them for a while. At least Jake is here so I didn't have to lose him too, though my thoughts keep wondering to when we get to our new home, I wonder if there will be anyone like us or all human. Zoe said they had made friends with werewolves in Australia as well as humans which I think is good because Seth will have wolves to shift with and obviously Zoe's got some nice girlfriends.

As we reach the house I glance up at it and gasp in amazement of the beauty the home holds. Grandma Esme must've designed each house for us in the places we were moving to, Jake races mum inside to see who got the biggest room funny because she's a vampire and he's a werewolf two different people both living in a supernatural world. Dad and I decide to walk in instead of acting like children, cough mum/Jake cough, Dad smirks reading my mind at what I was thinking knowing it was true.

The only thing I dread about this new home is having to go home and pretending mum is my sister and dad is her boyfriend when the truth is the complete opposite of the situation we're actually going through. I wonder around the house observing each room seeing which one I like better, finally choosing a large room with a walk in closet, a balcony of the backyard it looked the most relaxing and peaceful room. I had already started picturing what I would like in my room and where it would be placed, but I'm definitely getting a piano this time, mum promised me if we ever moved I could have a piano in my room so I can practice each day while doing homework instead of having to walk up and down stairs for lessons with dad then homework with mum.

It's a new year though believing it will be a good experience of creating new lives and seeing how to live something normal without the threat of evil ruling vampires or enemy werewolves after us each second we live. I'm supposed to start school next week on Tuesday as Monday is a holiday, our schedules were sent in the mail this morning just as we arrived which is kinda creepy. Anyway I was signed up for Junior year (yr 11) at some preppy school, my subjects seem to be music, English, biology, some type of math, religion, history, German language and physical education (PE). Ugh really I hate Pe that was always uncle Emmett's subject I'm just as uncoordinated as my mother who still is as clumsy like when she was human but I'm excited for music class it was always my favourite.

After all that thinking Jake came and got me to go for a walk in the woods, gets our minds off why we had to move and blah, blah, blah. "Oi, Ness you in there?" Snapping out of my thoughts again to see Jake really up close to my face, jokingly tapping my head. Laughing at his silliness I end up surprising him, "You silly, of course I'm here but soon I won't be." Smirking as I glance at Jake, "What do you mean Nes-" I cut him off by running using my half-vampire speed I also here him call himself stupid to fall for my tricks again, something besides music I gained from dad.

I slow down as I couldn't hear Jake anymore, looking around I couldn't see him anywhere either. Panicking at the thought of losing Jake made my heart beat quicken, "Oh my God, what if - (uhhh ouch)" I turned my head and see Jake smirking down at me knowing he outsmarted me for once but that doesn't make up for the all most heart attack. Glaring at him jokingly I pretend to really mad at him before zooming off to home where I quickly tell mum and dad about my payback at Jake. They laugh at the fact Jake still hasn't figured out I always get revenge if beaten or out pranked, "Ness please I didn't mean to scare you, please talk to me. I love you, your my imprint." I turn to see Jake holding my favourite flowers while walking slowly towards me, I melted I just can't deny these sweet moments he creates. "Awe Jake of course I forgive how can I not when your holding a bunch of Lily's!" I smile at him lovingly giving a quick kiss I mumble back, "I love you too baby."

I quietly here gagging in the background,'rolling my eyes at the immaturity my parents have when Jake and I do cute couple things together. I say goodnight to them as it had gotten dark sooner than I thought plus Jake went to sleep hours ago but it's understandable as I only need half the sleep normal people take. Hoping into bed I send a quick love you and goodnight to Zoe before it gets to the point where we only talk to each other when there's time like once a month or less. Sighing I snuggle into bed and drift off hoping to dream about how good life was before the Volturi became greedy and obsessive, ha stupid evil vampires.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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