Part III

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Hours passed as Kylo fooled his mother by giving false secrets and access ports, hoping to gain trust. Leia listened intently, not giving him an idea if she was believing what she was hearing. Phasma stood by the doorway, pretending to hope for secrets that could help further her faux bounty hunter career. In all honesty, she was making sure that he wasn't giving any true secrets away. She had strict orders from Hux to kill Kylo in the event of something getting out. Of course, keeping Kylo in line was always her mission, but that was a story for another time.

After the day's training, Poe snuck down the steps, wanting to know what was going on. He had done his best to act casual, as if he had a legitimate purpose for going down into the bunker. He had witnessed Kylo's mind tricks, and while the General would most likely be immune, that didn't mean he couldn't get to others nearby. Poe double checked to make sure no one was patrolling the area before he listened in. He could hear the deep voice of Ren and the comforting voice of his leader's. They seemed to be in a calm enough conversation, but something bugged the pilot deeply.

Unable to figure it out, Poe left just as the door opened. He scuttled to the stairs, just out of sight, but not out of hearing range. Leia stepped out first, followed by Kylo and Chewbacca. Phasma took her own time leaving the room, trying to act disinterested.

"I assume you're going to put me away now," Kylo muttered, thinking that he was going to get put in a prison cell indefinitely. Or, at least, he could break out and get what he went there for. Poe could hear the General chuckle.

"No, we'll introduce you to the company. You have defied the First Order and come home. I think that's going to earn you a lot of credit. It did Finn," Leia informed as they walked up the stairs, forcing Poe to scramble.

"Finn?" Kylo whispered, understanding that was the name of the traitor in the woods. FN-2187. He forced a look of confusion, hoping his mother would confirm his thought.

"He was a Stormtrooper. He was the one that helped us protect ourselves from Starkiller," Leia informed as she smiled. Kylo did his best to smile back, while inside he was writhing in rage and anger toward the former trooper. "He helped me bring you home."

"I cannot wait to meet him," Kylo replied in a positive voice as his mother guided him upstairs. Poe rounded the corner, leaving the stairwell, and hid in the shadows as Leia came up with her son. Everyone froze, staring at the strange sight. They knew that Kylo would be given refuge on the base, but they never would have imagined that he wouldn't be bound nor be given the grand tour. Leia gave them a quick look of reassurance and confidence as they reluctantly went back to work. "They respect you."

"They trust me," Leia corrected before she walked through the room. Kylo followed on his own as Chewbacca kept an eye on Phasma, not sure why she was still there. Regardless, he guarded her like a hawk as Kylo boggled at his mother's force. Sure, it was nothing in comparison to, nor a match for, the First Order. However, there was something remarkable in the fact that they all trusted in his mother so much. She showed no force or fear, and he wondered what kept them in line.

Poe emerged from his corner, hardly noticed as everyone watch the largest threat they had ever known walk by with their leader. He shook his head and left, leaving the General to show off the secrets and the weaknesses to her son. He just couldn't understand why she would be so blind. Sure, there was the thing about maternal love, but surely it had its limits. That creature killed her husband, after all. He stormed to his quarters, hoping to sleep off the worries and concerns.

Rey could feel there was something wrong. Not in the Force, per say, but in Luke. He had acted strangely, as if he was off in another world. She did her best to train with him, but she often found him distracted and hardly paying attention to her. He kept saying that she needed to be prepared and trained before it was too late. Of course, he never cared to elaborate on the topic and would continue the training as if the conversation never took place. She knew there was something wrong, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Two Sides of the Same CoinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora