Where have you been?!

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Amber ran around her home trying to find something to wear as her mom and step dad yelled.

She ran downstairs.

"Where have you been?!" Her mom yelled.

"Momma, I've been getting-"

And her dad slapped her. "Get out of my home! It's Saturday! Go to Terri's home or some other's!"

Amber nodded and ran out. She isn't in a dress but in black pants.

She ran down the street and passed Terri's.

She knew she wasn't home but she was at the bakery with her mom so Amber high tailed it to Homer's.

She saw Homer, O'Dell, Roy Lee, and Quinton.

"Guys! Wait!" She yelled.

They probably didn't hear her.

"For crap's sake!' She whispered.

She ran at them and jumped on Roy Lee's back.

Roy Lee yelled and stumbled forward.

Amber yelled as he fell forward.

She gto off him. "I told you to wait for God's sake!"

They all laughed but then Amber got up and they looked at the bright red mark across her face.

''He did it again didn't he?" O'Dell asked.

Homer looked at the ground. "He shouldn't hit you. Niether should your mom."

Roy Lee added. "It ain't right."

Quinton nodded. 'Parents shouldn't bully their kids."

Amber looked at the ground.

"Guys, It's fine." She said through her accent. They always told her, that her accent was adorable as hell.

THey shook their heads. "No it isn't!'

"Well it's not like you can do anything!"

"Amber, they've beat you bloody! It isn't right ot do that!"

Amber crossed her arms and mom looked them all.

They shut up.

"Now, are we gonna go to the park or am I going by myself?"

O'Dell sighed. "We're going to go.'"

She squeled and ran ahead.

O'Dell said something and Roy Lee pushed him playfully and Homer and Quinton laughed.

"What you boys waitin' for? We gonna race there or what?"

"We all know you can kick our asses with running  okay?" Homer yelled.

Amber shrugged. "So? Maybe you'll get lucky and win!"

Roy Lee said "Get lucky with something..." O'Dell elbowed him and glared.

"C'mon slow pokes!"

They caught up to her and stood in their spots.

"Ready? Set? Go!" Homer yelled.

They took off and Amber started laughed as she got ahead.

"Amber! Slow down!" Quinton yelled.

She looked back at them.


O'Dell looked worried.

"Please! Just stop for like a minute!" He yelled.

Roy Lee looked frantic. "Train!" He yelled.

Amber stopped on the tracks and shrugged. "What?" She yelled.

O'Dell ran at her and tackled her with Roy Lee to the other side of the tracks.

After the train passed by O'Dell got up.

"You should've slowed down when we told you to." He helped Roy Lee up then helped Amber up.

Homer stopped next to her and put his hands on his knees and did Quinton.

O'Dell hugged her with the rest of them.

"No scaring us to death like that." Homer said.

"Hey O'Dell?"


''You can let go of me now."

"Sorry." And he let go.

'Why'd you tackle me if Roy Lee was the closet?" She asked O'Dell.

Roy Lee and Quinton laughed and Homer smirked.

"Uh... I-I..... I ran faster than he did so I tackled you both!"

Amber nodded unsurely.

"Yeah... Sure... OKay."

Then they got to the park shortly after.

Is it All Really Worth it in the End? (An October Sky fanficition)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora