Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

"Pardon me, but Beerus and I were hoping to get another piece of that cake," he says, smiling warmly at us. I looked at Trunks and the two of us shrugged.

"Sure, there's plenty here," my lavender haired friend says. Whis' smile grows as he grabs the knife and starts cutting off slices.

I take another bite of cake as a platter is set down on the table by one of the waitresses catering the party. She smiles at us before moving on. I glance at the tray and find seven cups of pudding, one for each of us.

"Alright! Pudding!" Nate says enthusiastically, reaching for a cup. The others do the same until there's only mine left on the tray.

"And what odd looking confection may this be?" Whis asks, eyeing the pudding cup. He then looks at Nate. "Pudding, you called it?"

Nate nods. "Yeah! It's really good!" Whis goes back to staring at my untouched cup.

"Do you want it?" I asked him. "I'm not gonna eat it."

In the blink of an eye, Whis scoops up the cup. "Thank you, little Watcher! I'm very eager to try this dessert!" I chucked slightly as he walked away with the cake and the cup of pudding.

"Well, I didn't think I'd ever see anyone more excited to have pudding than Nate," I hear Kansas say with amusement in her voice. I look over to see that she's currently standing behind her son, ruffling his hair. Nate give us a toothy grin.

"Anyway, I just came over to wish you two a happy birthday," Kansas continues. "I haven't done that yet. Also, I just wanted to give you guys a heads up," she adds, leaning closer and talking quieter. "I dunno where Goku went, and that's his business. I'm sure he had a good reason. But if he's not here buy the time we do gifts, Chi-Chi will blow a gasket. So if you could text him or something and let him know, that'd be great. I can't find Bulma to tell her, and I never did get his cell number. So I figured you kids would be the next best way to get in touch with him."

Kansas stands back up, once more flashing us a smile. "I hope you enjoyed the cake! It's all Bulma would talk about for days!" Ruffling Nate's hair one last time, she left us alone.

"Does Goku even have a cell phone?" Nate asked Goten and I. We shook our heads while Aki laughed lightly.

"Are you kidding?" she says. "Uncle Kakarot can barely turn the TV on, let alone text or use a phone."

"How comes you and Vegeta call him 'Kakarot' and not 'Goku'?" Nate questioned, not missing a beat. Aki stopped laughing.

I blinked, looking at my human friend. I hadn't ever even considered that he'd notice the name difference. Videl never did. Or, maybe she did and Gohan explained something to her without my knowing... That was very possible.

"It's uhhhh... A nickname from when he was a kid," I say. "Vegeta and my uncle Raditz called him that when they were all younger. Vegeta never stopped and Aki picked it up from her dad. The rest of us just call him Goku."

Nate nodded, happy with the answer. I breathed a silent breath of relief, only for it to be cut short when I heard a loud, angry cry.


I felt everyone at the party freeze. I heard a platter slam against the table and slowly turned around to see a very mad looking Beerus glaring daggers at Buu, who had pudding stains around his mouth.

"You call Buu dumb! Now Buu turn you into candy and eat you!" Our pink friend was pointing a gloved hand at Beerus, his face twisted into a sneer.

I got the feeling that Buu's comment wasn't very wise as the cat man started to glow a ghostly purple that encompassed the whole party.

Buu charged, but Beerus easily deflected him with a simple flick of his fingers. My eyes grew wide with surprise as Buu went flying through some shrubbery. It didn't take him long to recover, however, and in seconds he was once more flying at Beerus. But Beerus seemed to be on a whole different level from Buu. The pink creature wasn't able to land a single blow on his opponent, and with another flick of his fingers, he sent Buu spinning to the ground.

"Buu!" Hercule cried over his fallen friend. At the same time, Tien, Piccolo, and 18 unfroze, quickly leaping at Beerus. However, it didn't seem to do much good.

In seconds, Beerus had knocked Tien unconscious and thrown Piccolo over his shoulder and crashing into some of the tables. Krillin, seeing that his wife was in trouble and next, rushed to help.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Marron cried, watching her parents suffer the same fate as the others. 18 pulled herself and Krillin out of the way as Buu stood up, rubbing his head and once more charged our troublesome party guest.

"Everyone, inside! Get out of the way!" Gohan yells waving at the door. You didn't have to tell them twice. All the caterers were the first ones through the door, pouring into the living room. Momma, Kansas, Grandpa, and others quickly followed suit, but stayed closer to the door so they could still watch.

"Guys, what are you waiting for?!" Nate cried. He had jumped off his chair was as looking at us desperately. "We have to get inside so we don't get hurt!"

I barely heard him as I watched my brother fly up and attack Beerus, only to be easily swatted aside like he was a pesky fly.

"Gohan!" Many of us called out at the same time, myself included. Goten, Aki and I glanced at each other nervously.

Now it was Vegeta's turn to fight the party wrecker. He immediately went Super and flew up to Beerus, his thumb over his shoulder.

"This way if you wanna fight." Beerus smirked and the two flew off to the outskirts of the city.

As soon as they were gone, I lept off my chair and ran over to everyone who lay on the ground. I healed them each in turn, ending with Gohan.

"Are you okay?" I asked my brother as he say up. My group had gathered around us and others had come out from inside the house.

"What the hell is going on?" Kansas demanded. "Who is that cat guy?"

"And why can Vegeta change his hair color?" her son added, the two of them looking at us. I looked around at the others, all of us trying to think of something good - and plausible - to tell the humans.

"Look, none of that is important right now," Piccolo says. "What matters is keeping you all safe while Vegeta handles this guy. Let's get back inside."

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news," Aki mutters, "But I don't think Vegeta is handling anything."

I can tell what she means, and so can the others, though no one wants to admit it. Even though we can't see their fight, most of us can surely feel it. And even though we can't feel Beerus' energy, we can feel Vegeta's. And he isn't winning.

"Piccolo's right, we're all safer inside," Grandpa says, doing what Gohan did earlier and waving towards the sliding glass doors of Capsule Corp. "Hurry, before they come back!"

Just as he finishes speaking, Vegeta and Beerus reappear over the side of the house. With a mighty punch, the cat man sends the prince crashing into the ground a few feet away.

"Vegeta!" Bulma calls out, clasping her hands together. I stare at Trunks and Bulla's dad with wide eyes. He was so easily beat! What kind of creature is Beerus?!

"Tch, darn it," Aki mumbles. She looks at Trunks and Goten, Bulla and Marron, and then myself. Understanding passes through the six of us. I look at the others and we all nod.

"Ready?" My younger brother asks us.

"Let's do this," I replied.   

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