your my superstar part two

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Mileena walking the kingdoms corridors singing as her walk has a spin to it.. she is singing under her breath to some earthrealm song she had heard.. as she was thinking about her forrbidden boyfriend and soulmate, his eyes, just him period sent her mind and heart into overdrive and her blood pumping, she was inlove with him as she keeps almost skipping through the corridors and with out knowing that Kitana her twin sister is watching the other princess almost jumping and radiating with joy, happiness and contentment, she smirks but wonders whats putting her sister in such a good mood.. 

"ooh lala your my superstar.. ooohh lala" she sings as she picks the petals off a pink rose...

she walks out to the courtyards beautiful fountain.. she was so excited to see the man she loved, he had been hired as the royal bodyguard.. it gave her more time to see and most of all be near to him.. as well.

even more so it meant they could sleep with the other without being caught in the night more often, not always having to resort to the living forrest either.. she was more then inlove with him, the bind he put on them helped to let her know this was real and that his feelings where now an open book to only her as where hers to him.. it was now an open two way street.. he had done it for the gain but also risked something by opening himself wide up to the beautiful princess but love shouldn't have hidden spots.. now those where gone

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