polar express

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Chapter F:Upon seeing them falling down the snow because of their heavy boots and they were so weak.My heart started beating my eyes went wide my breath was raspy and my jaw dropped down letting a small gasp escape from pink lips while my cheeks were like red not from blushing but from the cold wind blowing.No i saìd slowly unkowing that chris was looking at that as well i then exclaimed like commenting:We have to stop the train.Holly gasped knowing if someone pulls the emergency brake gets in trouble with the conductor but upon seeing the fallen kids said:But nobody knows how twilight and nobody wants cause if someone pulls it the conductor will get furious.But stefanos was quick and pointed to me a handle near the door and up on it was a label with these words Emergency brake:Pull the emergency brake asteroula.Chris could only gasp at this just as holly helped lifting me up so that i can put my hoofs(fingers) up on the brake and pull the thingy down.It was so hard that the wheels of the polar express's were schreeching all the way to an abrupt stop.Oh boy if mrs vagelio was there she should have looked the look of everyone's face.It ruled so hard that everyone was like waah i love myself except stefanos who was saying:It's perfect like we're in lunapark i mean funfair wooh wooh.Penelope had to agree this and said happily while holly was looking worriedly:Better hold up because we're going ride in funfair wooh everyone smile.Chris asked:Are you kidding me here everyone is scared and you think it is like funfair jesus christ you're both crazy.Then i said raising my hooves up from my seat saying:Perfect it's really like a funfair like we're in Allou funpark wow cool.Chris looked at me like wanting to say something but instead sat on his seat and was screaming like a little boy.Soon all this ended and the train came to an abrupt stop and everyone were able to relax while i said smiling:That was the best christmas ever Shall we do this again?.Holly looked at me agreeing with that:Yeah it was pretty super shall we do this again oh boy it was so cool.Penelope looked at us saying:I'm in for a second time it was pretty fantastic like we were in the moment.Stefanos said smiling:I agree was extactic the best christmas ever.The conductor came in saying:I heard some kids liking that part i agree with that as well.Chris looked at the conductor saying:I'm sorry about her sir she pulled the brake but she wanted to do that because two kids wanted to come up on the train and i i...The conductor shushes him saying:Shh calm down young man i'm not mad with her no i'm gratefull for her because she light up the kids mood.Chris looked at him shocked yet smiled at this and i said:Well that was certainly cool we should try that again.Chris jumps from his seat and stopped me in my tracks saying:Halt there young sister we won't try anything enough troubles you putted us now.The conductor said to him:Young man just because she did something that was against my law that doesn't mean the kids did not enjoy themselves for that i agree with her it was perfect.I nodded at the conductor smiling politely and said to chris:Come on would you like to see me not smiling for years days even weeks till i become a blank flat old mare.At that thought it seemed i got him goat and he exclaimed:Oh allright i'm sorry for being paranoid but i care about you young missy.I softly smiled licking his left cheek while he hugged me raising me up on his back and he gives me a horsey ride.Soon the conductor asked us about refresments and what we got the freshiest bewildrent hot chocolate in cups by waitresses.Soon after we drank our second cup and the waitresses left a small light burp was heard making chris and holly look disgusted to my cousin while i softly giggle at this.But upon seeing holly looking at me with chris i softly stopped and despite having a crashed by chair left leg and a broken left hand i pulled from my seat two cups full of chocolate and start walking to the observation train car as holly said:Hold it there young missy where are you going with those cups.I said smiling to her politely:They're for them i mean billy and his older sister rapunzel.Chris then said to me worried:I don't think we're supposed to leave our seats.Stefanos then said while he and holly look at him annoyed:Yeah it's a violation of code crossing between train cars without an adult.I softly said:I'm gonna make it alive don't worry.And i walk to the observation train car despite hearing chris saying if i am sure i politely answered:Very much brother.He wanted from me to be safe so he said:I'm gonna make sure that you'll make it alive.I and he walk together just as the conductor served hot chocolate to kat and sapphire.I gave the hot chocolate to billy and his sister introducing myself to them and after seeing billy and rapunzel's ticket getting punched unknowoing that back in the train car hero girl who's name is either sophie or holly was trying to return my ticket to me but the wind took it from her hand.
Chapter G:Just as i came out and the conductor asked me about my ticket and showing it to him that it is gone without a hesitation he began leading me away of the others despite holly(sophie/louisa) was trying to explain the conductor what happened.Passing billy and rapunzel kat their youngest sister asked me:He's not gonna throw you from the train.I softly smiled at her despite being verry worried unkowing that chris and sophie were looking from the compartment worried.Sophie then spotts the ticket inside the air vent as stefanos asked:Hey is that a golden ticket.Hero girl who's name is sophie jumped up on the seat and pulled it out and stefanos chris karen and penelope gasped upon seeing it.Karen said with stefano:The ticket(looking at eachother worried).Penelope replièd worried: The girl oh no twilight she's in trouble.A toothless boy said:Why is that bad.Sophie looks at him close to his face scaring him saying:Bad Bad of course its bad We just found my xaderfi's unpunched golden ticket and she's out there probably risking herself and her unborn baby.Chris said worriedly: Come on i've got to save her.Hannah said:You can't go out there you'll get killed let her die out there.But chris slapps her cheek leaving her speechless and she leaves the train flying like a bat but god kills her with sword.Chris runs as fast as his feet try to hold him up because the cold snow is making it worst and his cheeks get pale while he said:Twilight dear sister hold on i'm coming to save you.They open the observation train car and then sophie asks billy:Billy please you're the only hope left here please tell us did you saw a man in conductor's suit and hat leading a young mare(girl) dressed in shepherdness clothes holding a pink-white stripped crook with a pink ribbon tied around it.Billy answers softly: They're up on the roof sophie and i tried as well explaing the conductor but he ain't hear me.Soon they see a strange light and a shadow of man pulling a young girl by the hand and telling her to wait here because he has to check if the engineers need any help.Sophie said laughing at first before screaming in horror: Calm down chris and others she's up on the roof alone ha ha ha Wait wait a minute Wait what SHE'S UP ON THE ROOF OUT THERE ALONE SHE MUST BE FREEZING OUT THERE IT'S MINUS 24.C.Chris looked extremelly worried and said heading out the door with the others: Oh my god twilight sister wait up we're coming.They hold on the bar of the train but the strange light that came from the conductor's lantern began fading away while they look worried.Soon stefanos spotts something unsual a groggy woman sitting on top of the train playing a harp and he said: Ehm weird am i the only one who notices a strange woman playing a harp right on top of the train.The hobo woman asks them:☺ Hello little boys hello little girls what can i do for you.
Chapter H:Chris was looking weirdly at first yet frightened but he gathered his courage and said gently: Mrs hobo sorry for bothering you but have you seen a young girl with pretty blonde curly mane eyes purple wearing a white bonnet a blue shepherdness dress and white long boots holding a pink-white stripped crook with a pink ribbon tied around it well did you saw her.She instead of laughing exclaimed:Oh you mean twilight sparkle a young shepherdness girl who's crying i saw her going somewhere there (points to the left direction) But why are you asking me wait don't tell me you found her ticket in the air vent sit here guys and girls i'll give you some hot joe.They drink it was not like the joe they had drank four times.The hobo returns with a pair of skiis and after skiing passing through coal stuff.
Chapter I:Soon there comes a small pierching cry and they look around to find the sourche of crying.Then they reached the front part of the train and what they saw made their eyes go wide and their jaws to fly down.I was walking around pacing up and down crying like a little girl shouting:Sheepies where are you my little sheep oh no Wolf wolf a big bad wolf ate my sheep.Sophie said:Twilight is that you what are you doing here.I said looking at her:Oh sophie they put me in charge to drive the train but there's a promble i'm too depressed to drive it.Chris then comes saying: Oh twilight i thought you were going to die and worst i thought he throwned you from the train but you're okay But tell me why are you holding your crook like this and why you are crying like a little girl.I softly look at him crying upset and i told him that: Oh dear chris big brother i've lost my sheep i've tried everywhere to find them but they're nowhere to be found.He looked at me heartbroken and pulled me to his hug saying: Oh dear twilight little sister don't worry we'll find them me and the others are gonna help you find them and don't dare cry it breaks my heart.
Chapter J:I softly smile at this hugging him tightly around myself and he and the others start to look around the train trying to find for the lost sheep not knowing the wolf ate them.I dry my tears with my dress hesitantly holding my pink-white stripped crook with a big beautifull pink ribbon tied elegantly around it.After that chris understands what truly happened and softly patts my shoulder and said gently:I'm really sorry dear sister twilight i and the others did tried everything but nothing worked sister .The cariboous left the tracks after i sat down my seat with him.
Chapter K:After passing the glacier gultch holding my sweet chris's hand firmly while he tried the best not to grimace in pain after the big pain and his five bones break from his hand.Passing as well the frozen lake he managed to save me from an uncultured move the train made and he pulled me into his hug twirling me around all the way loving me up.Soon we had to pass a cart full of broken toys among them was a depressed doll in a wedding dress and veil and i pulled it up saying:Oh that doll was a gift from my grandmother before she died.Soon a puppet started teasing me calling me doubter ànd that i'm not believing but chris pulls me away from that terrible place and then said:Sweetie sister i truly love you and if it cames to you i know the hobo is one hundred percent wrong.After going to our seats he said to me:I truly meant the thing i said and you're an amazing person who always believes.I then pull him with my crook saying:You are cute when you care about me chris dear brother .He exclaimed slightly blushing looking at his toys and the kids:Twilight not in front of my toys and the kids.I softly put my hand on his chest purring at him saying:Ahh let them look big brother.Holly whispered to stefanos's ear saying:They're truly in love and they're married.Stefanos said:You think they want to have babies they are brother and sister.
Chapter L-M:Soon we look the northern lights after singing when christmas comes to town.We sit back to our seats with me kissing chris with love and care and he with the same passion.Holly exclaimed:Geez you two might have gotten it into a more suitable love share a bed you too.We softly blush at this and i dance with him while he kisses my lips smelling my beautifull neck it smelled to him his favourite strawberries with honey.His tongue licked my neck making me to blush more groaning with love and passion.Holly almost vomited at this but found it so cute that she cooed at us kissing.Awww penelope said it's so cute karen exclaimed while stefanos almost vomited at that part.But it's so cute the boy said.The conductor complained to us:How's the thing going here we are moving on.I exlaimed smiling him:Yes sir we're moving on to our life.He said:Good cause i heard two kids age 12 both of you love making in the observation train car.I didn't knew that i just did sex with chris cause he's my brother yet i softly blushed.The conductor politely asked karen to come for privancy i wondered what kind of privancy.But as i heard karen groaning and moaning in love and pain i gasped saying:Ewww oh eww the conductor is having sex with karen.Chris was shocked and he could not believe that a man in his fifties will actually love make with a nine years old girl called karen.Holly moaned disgusted saying: Oh my god ewww why would he do that.I complained feelling disgusted: Oh god ewww yuck i have no idea yet i think we have to stop this.
Chapter N:After the conductor left karen dressed herself but oh boy she felt sick and she ran to the toilet as i was saying:Guys girls you think she's okay.But karen was not okay she was vomiting weirdly and morning sickness sex and weird mood means one word.She takes a stick for pregnancy and she gasps saying shocked as she saw the plus symbol on it:I'm i'm pregnant oh dear lord forgive me for that.She then comes out of the observstion train car and takes the announcing microphone saying:Okay guys and girls i have good news and bad news.Holly complained to me whispering to my ear:I'm dying to know what news she will freaking say .I exclaimed sipping my apple juice to my mouth saying:Better not be news that are gonna shock us cause i don't know if i can stop fainting.Karen said smiling at first:The good news is that morning sickness is gone.Holly smiled patting my elbow:You see at least she didn't said she's pregnant yet guys and girls.Karen then said smiling more to us:And the bad news yet good news for me is that i'm pregnant.At that rate i started spitting my apple juice to stefano's face while coughing weakly because òf my pneumonia.There was a chorus of gasps and cheers from girls yet everyone were too shocked to speak.Then they heard someone fainting and saw holly holding me up while i was passed out from the news.Stefanos said worriedly:Wait you mean you're pregnant with the conductor's baby.I was looking at her shocked and then passed out again just as she said yes.Sarah said extremelly shocked:Okay that's weird first we boarded a magic train got ourselves in trouble and now we're hearing that karen is pregnant with our uncle's kid.Chris was looking at me while i was complaining to holly this:Please holly tell me that i did not got a nerve clonismo and now i'm in the phcyciatrist receiving medicine.She said to me calming me down:You did not get that thing you said to me and no you're not in the phcyciatrist receiving medicine and will you can calm down you're scaring poor chris up.I saw it was true he was looking with a very worried yet scared look on his face and his green eyes were focusing on me.I said telling him:Chris come here brother i want to tell you something.He comes to me and sits next to me stroking my cheek saying:I'm here sister i'm here we're gonna get through this together about poor karen ending pregnant by our uncle.After the conductor found out he announced that:Attention please polar express passengers despite being a widower cause my first wife died and i forbid everyone mention anything to poor karen because she lost her mother in young age karen is gonna be my new wife i'm gonna wedd her with loxa and timi.I corrected yet shocked at this:Ehm uncle it is not loxa and timi it is doξα and timi.We all stood shocked chris managed to catch me before i passed out again yet he was way too shocked.
Chapter O: After leading us out of the train he started counting and i politely asked about billy and gogo who were sitting alone instead of telling me nobody is requiered to see santa he let me go bring them.I trott way too fast up on the train stepping on the mox
lo of the train before it could get discolected chris sofia marina my cousin karen holly and stefanos come up as well.Chris said in between breath:Dear sister twilight you're way too fast.After going through puberty explaining that christmas is the most wonderfull time in the year and just they were about to give in the train moved riskily causing me too panick while chris goes to see what happened:What was that.I walk next to chris who seemed noticing something odd and just as we opened the door we saw the horror.The train was discollected from the rest polar express and it began moving backwards slowly at first but it gained more speed.We had to stop the train but just as chris was about to find the brake he saw that it was nowhere.I can't find the brake he shouted while i asked what did you said dear brother .He again shouted this i can't find the emergency brake.Oh that's just great everyone was screaming their lungs off and holly said:We're gonna crash.We crashed and i had to fall up on chris and yet he caught me and i softly smiled at him he smiled at me as well.Holly whispered to billy's ear:They're madly in love just look at the two turtle doves they are brother and sister yet they're acting like lovers
.Billy softly laughed at this:Yeah they truly love eachother.Oh that's just great holly had to bring billy to that too.She soon heard the sleigh bell making me to wonder while chris walks behind me telling me how he used to wonder that too.Holly pointed to us a bridge made from ice and decorated with bells and she said:That's the way we should go.We look at her really worried she could get hurt and i softly gulped saying:Ehm ehm holly i've got a better idea why don't we just take the train car which is pulled by reindeers instead of doing it ourselves it's dangerous.She said to me:My way is faster twilight don't worry come on.We had to balance yet i was not good in gymnasticks and when i saw billy almost felling i quickly grabbed him up but i slipped and fell but i managed to hold on the bar and saw the others panicking great have i to send them in panick. Twilight dear sister hold up chris hollered he gave me his hand but i couldn't reached it.Twilight holly shrieked in fear but yet still i couldn't reach his hand but somebody pushed me to do so and i finally did it.I saw it was the hobo and she said:The boy was trying to help his little sister.I really wanted to slapp her face but she dissapeared and i softly smiled at chris for saving me saying:Thank you for saving me dear brother chris.We had reunited with my sister anabelle and she flied up leading the way.We had to keep quiet while seeing the elves.Then we walked to the present wrapping area and found another way but ended get lost.Billy spotted a small brown box:Hey look a present it goes to twilight.I said shocked:To me from who.Holly looked at the box saying:From your father twilight and it goes to your adress well you leave with chris.Seeing my present passing by i couldn't help but feel a small thrill and i run behind it resulting me to fell down into a big slide.Holly shrieked more saying:Twilight oh no come on guys and girls.Chris fell first then holly then billy with gogo then stefanos then karen at last sofia with marina.Chris was shouting for me to wait up:Twilight dear sister wait up i'm gonna save you.But it was way too big and scary yet it was like allou funpark
and after going through puberty we fell in giant bag full of presents.Look i exclaimed proudly holding my brown box.Holly read smiling it says merry christmas twilight from your father and mother.I think i know what it is i wanted it my whole life.Sofia stopped me saying:Wait up wait up look what it's saying.Gogo said to her:it's a sign saying that opening it will help her believe more.Sofia compained:Yeah but.Her brother chris said:Hmm those the rules middle sister.Soon we started flying in the bag and now i knew we were in santa's bag and we would get in trouble if anyonefound us.Marina asked me saying:Please twilight open up the box we want to see it.I softly smiled at this and opened the box causing the most sweetest music to play and inside was a small blue hair brush.I pulled it up saying:It's beautifull and up on it has a sign Constant as the stars above always know that you are loved to our daughter twilight for her 12th birhday true love mother and father.Chris and sofia looked at that interested.Holly angrilly exclaimed:Woah that mean old lady and her daughter ĺied to twilight that her parents abondoned when she was a baby why would she say such a mean thing.Panos hollered angered at her:Because she wants from twilight to suffer that's why.I exclaimed holding my brush to my chest:True love hmm (a dog's teeth grab my leg) Ahhhh.Chris looked worried just as his sisters were as holly shrieked again:Twilight oh no hold up we'ĺl save you.Chris said giving his hand to me saying:Twilight dear sìster give me your hair brush trust me i'll keep it safe for you.I answered to him giving it back to him saying:Here you go chris dear please help me.He pulls me but the dog's teeth pull me down he glares angrilly yelling:Hey you stupid clarrisa leave my sister alone she didn't anything to you.He pulls me up only to discover it was not clarissa a girl with wavy brown hair it was a dog.A beautifull cocker spaniel dog but her eyes were blue and her tail puffy.She barked saying:I'm sorry for bothering you that i was just trying to save you kids the elves are gonna find out.Holly said politely:Thank you for caring about us miss ehm your name miss dog.She exclaimed patting her pink ribbon:Where are my manners i'm Angel scamp's girlfriend now wife i'm just trying to find my way home.The elves found us and i hide behind chris as he said pleading for mercy:We fell here by mistake don't take it hard on us.Angel barked at them saying:Grrr hear whàt chris said.
The leader elf said:We will hèar what he saiď and we know how they ended up here come on get out little kids.Stefanos gets pushed holly glided with style chris as well but waited for me patiently billy and gogo glided as well karen was proteleutaia.Soon it was my time and the leader elf cooed to my ear saying pointing at chris who was waitiñg patiently:I think somebody got herself a lucky brother who cares about her (snickers) .I wanted really much to slap her cheek but being santa's daughter i softly nodded smiling yet embarrasingly muttering to myself:Remind me not too show it easily.The leader elf said to me:You can fly cause you're a reindeer.I knew this and i managed to hold my joyness and happiness walking up in the air as a beautifull mare would do.As i reached the ground i went to chris and said to him:You still can choose to sit here with the others or join the club(move sexyly my ass).He softly said:For a while i join the ride with our father.They brought my mom and other sisters as they pranced walking to me licking affectionate because of being with family.He then saw the elves bringing the harnesses with those silver bells which made him believe and he heard them all so did i and i softly neighed.Aren't those bells beautifull sounding to the kids and twilight huh chris holly asked smiling at chris.He nodded softly wanting to be a reindeeŕ.The doors opened and santa arrived.I can see i can see him i shouted jumping up in the air excitedly with my mother who laughed at this.Chris could as well and his sisters as well and seeing me be such an excitable mare he softly giggled.Santa marched to all of us saying the kids their good personalities quolifications chris was protective of me and i saw him winking his eyebrows i give him a kiss in the forehead.Santa then pointed at me saying:Let's have my young daughter i mean this young gal.I stood completely shocked and glared At the kids who smiled despite chris was too shocked to even speak but he was so proud of me so he said:Take a picture it'll last longer.I softly smiled at him and i trotted to the sleigh smiling happily and i gave my hoof saying:Io chere seniore (Merry christmas dear sir).He smiled and shook my hand saying:I coumiento seniorita (merry christmas dear daughter) Now come daughter sit on my lap and tell me what would you like for christmas.I asked shocked sitting in his lap:Me?.He exclaimed happily:Yes you dear daughter.I knew i could have anything i wanted but the thing i wanted was not from santa's giant bag full of toys it was from santa's reindeers.I put my hoof in my mouth and whispered to santa's ear that:I wish that my wish will only be for one minute and i want a way always to believe so can you give me a silver bell from anabelle's harness.He exclaimed saying:Indeed yeah indeed a bell you want a bell you should have.He asks an elf to cut a bell from anabelle's harness.She does it and tosses the bell to him and he levitates the object up in the air while chris gasps upon seeing the object.Yeah it was the sleighbell and santa shouts loudly saying:The first gift of christmas.Chris then after wiping his tears starts clapping his hands starts applauding.Santa then turns to me giving me the bell saying:This bell represents chistmas perfectly like i do ho ho ho but remember the truth spirit of christmas lies in your heart.The bells ring and i put my bell and brush as long my eleven gifts.My reindeers sisters and mother start prancing up ringing their bells that stood from the harnesses.Then i get transformed into a girl reindeer and go with my mother as leader just as i said:I'm a reindeer oh i've got my voice back.My cousin could not stop his excitement either tears that streamed from his chocolate brown eyes and said:Merry christmas cousin asteroula take care.i said answering happily while looking at our dad :Merry christmas cousin michali i will big cousin i will.Santa clauss asked me while my mom looks proudly at me:Are you ready to fly my daughter twilight.I said eagerly and excitedly jumping up and down:Oh yes father yes i am .He smiled at that and said:Then by what means lead us the way ho ho ho.Soon it was time to leave the old man conjured a magic whipe made from rainbow lights and cracked it above our heads.My mother and i began jumping up and down like crazy little fillies pulling the sleigh up with all our might and strength could hold us.Finally we did it we made it up in the sky as santa was shouting our names:Pull dasher pull girl.There's an image of us walking up in the air ringing our bells just as blitzen and comet who are girls are last ones and santa said to me:Now twilight that's a good girl keep up the the good work.Lenia and panos who were sitting up on marina's lap began cheering for me as well eulenina who was sitting in sofia's lap began applauding while orestis sat with eugenia,marianna,thoma,thanasi,celi,xristina and the sheep sat on th chairs.My cousin said with emotion in his voice:my little cousin is all grown up i'm so proud of her(sniffs and blows nose on a blue robe's sleeve).Then he looks at chris who was looking at him disgusted and he said:oops sorry chris didn't see it.Chris sofia and marina were staring up so shocked to speak.My father gave us the ability to neigh and i neighed so loud saying:neigh neigh i'm flying look chris brother i'm flying.he smiled answering billy's question :No billy it's not a dream it's the truth a beautifull truth a miracle.
Chapter P:Soon after dancing and singing christmas carols with the kids it was time to leave the north pole and go home.I really wished that would never happen and more wished that this fantastic trip would not come to an end so quickly.Chris possibly knew how i felt and with a heavy heart he pulled me by the bridle only to discover it is gone.Then i looked to three elves who buckled back the back part of the train after that little adventure we had in the north pole.But they were so clumsy that they fall down from the thing they were sitting trying to fit the cart in.I started laughing at this because it was way too funny but upon seeing chris and holly looking at me with serious look i faked cleared my throat ehnm ehm.The conductor finished punching stefanos's ticket his said learn eua and delio's said depend on rely on count on.Karen said loyal sofia's with holly and marina's said lead chris's said protective and
loved.The conductor said to him:Now that's a special ticket not only you protected your sister from dangers but saving her as well and showing her love follow you everywhere lad.Chris smiled coming up on the train yet looked to the window fondly at what will happen.
Chapter R:The conductor looked at me and said:Ahh yes young lady with all the questions ticket please ma'm.I gave my ticket to him and surprisingly he punched it behind his back not even looking if he made a mistake and he handed it back to me.The words Believe were up on it.It says here believ i began .The conductor stopped me smiling:Don't it's nothing i need to hear.I smiled nodding at him and he said looking at the window and upon seeing chris said to me:Come on go up your brother is waiting for you .I groaned smiling happily and went up the train entering the compartment.I sat next to holly and she said:I think someone loves you hee hee.I groaned at her giving her a hit in the elbow:But who silly loves me hee hee. Holly said giggling at that:You know who silly chris loves yah.I softly smiled winking my eyes at him while he stares at me and her playing but as he saw that winked ať me as well.Holly said:I knew it ftom the first time whemn he entered the compartment.i was thinking to myself that he had been rude there but now he is being very kind like a brother should be almost like a grown up young gentleman.Chris then stood from his seat and asked me saying:Sweet little sister i think i and the kids here want from you to show us something.Holly agreed at that saying:yeah yeah we want to see something can you show us.

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