Chapter 1

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I sat in a bar on the planet Takodana. It was a smaller planet for pit stops but it was also neutral territory. I was the only pilot in the room drinking water, the rest of us Resistance pilots were sipping on alcohol of all sorts.

"Miki, you're so cute. Why don't you come with me to a back room?" Some pilot giggled with a drunk demenor.

I gave a death glare. Though he wouldn't care, he was too intoxicated to care. My colleagues and I were staying the night here until we can get points of location on First Order troops.

The Stormtroopers were racking through villages to find Resistance or little Republican helpers. Jakku had been raided through already. Even though this galaxy is so vast, it is yet so small. The First Order seems to find us constantly but we manage.

The ice in my cup had already melted and perspiration dripped upon my gloved hands. I scoffed and shook the water drops off. This is getting boring sitting in here.

I tapped a nondrunk fellow and told him I was headed out for walk. He just nodded but I had already afoot out the door.

The crisp air met my sense palette with victory. It felt so nice to actually relax and not think of Resistance crap- wait I'm doing it already.

"LEAVES. THESE LEAVES ARE BEAUTIFUL!" I yelled with a brainless tone.

I trotted further into the forest behind the bar, brittle leaves crunched loudly under my iron-tipped boots. I clasped my hand together behind my head and looked up the sky, then closed my eyes.

Silence echoed across the treetops.

Suddenly screaming and blaster shots could be heard from the distance where the bar was at.

Hey guys, I know if you are one of my readers who likes my Suzuya fanfiction and are wondering "Hm why is she WRITING ANOTHER FANFICTION AND NOT UPDATING SUZUYA!?!?!"

Welp I'm
One: Lazy
Two: I watched the new Star Wars and have a weird obsession for the dark princess Kylo Ren.
Three: I get inspiration randomly so shhh

But if you are not one of those people than, hello! You are fantastic and beautiful for reading my trash. Please if you have any problems with my stuff, comment and tell me!

I love you all and will be updating tomorrow~

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