(2) Present

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I stayed silent as I saw them lower my sister, my Alice into a hole in the ground. Tears were gently streaming down my cheeks.  At eighteen my sister decided to jump off of the roof. She stopped taking her meds weeks before, we only found this out when we were going through her stuff we found her full pill bottle for her depression.

She left each of us a note saying basically the same thing how she "couldn't take life any more" and that "it wasn't our fault" I tore mine up, I got so angry at her. But now all anger has left me as I stare at her casket all was left is emptiness. Never in my life have I felt so alone as I have right now.

I watched people pass me by as I stood there. They gave me their condolences as they passed but I payed no attention to them. 

"We will all miss Alison Charlotte" the priest said as my mother dropped the last Poppy on the casket before they started putting the dirt on it.

My family stayed silent as people started talking to one another. I felt someone staring at me, I turned around to see the faces in the forest. Not today I will not pay attention to them at my sisters funeral. 

I just stared at the grave, as my tears ran away from my eyes. "Come on Wendy it's time to go to the lunch" my mom said. They started to walk away, I quickly followed behind not wanting to be left alone in a gave yard.

I opened the car door and slid in. I sighed and looked out the window. Some of the graves looked new but most were old and worn. The graves in the back sparked up my interest, their were six graves next to each other, but none of the other graves were around their area. They were covered by trees which hid most of the grave stones. 

I looked behind the gravestones and saw the faces, I gasped and slid further in my seat. these faces haven't bothered me since I was little, they had started about a week ago. A week ago everything was fine even though I saw the faces it didn't matter because  Alice was still there. 

I was the one who found her body. It was raining out and I was reading a book when Alice came into my room "Wendy I love you" she had said winking at me "love you to sis" I had said blowing her a kiss. Alice's eyes had lit up but then turned sad "just remember that ok" she had said walking out of my room. No tears were coming out now as I just feel empty, so empty. Not even five minutes latter I had heard a noise that broke me from my book. And since I was a total wimp I had run into Alice's room, hoping she could protect me from whatever was out there. I had quickly run into her room and realized that she wasn't in here. Her windows were open, so I went to close them since it was raining.

For some terrible reason I had looked down. And their she was my beautiful sister laying on the ground, her long blond hair covered her face, her neck was bent at a angle, the worse part was that she was laying in her own blood. I had screamed and ran down the stares to go outside.

Maybe it was just some sick joke and she was pulling my leg. Pranking me to get a reaction. But in reality I knew that it wasn't true. I ran out to her and knelt by her body. I pulled my phone out and dialed 911 I was going to scream for my parents, but I remembered that they weren't home. I started gasping trying to talk to the lady on the phone and searching for her pulse, but never finding one.    

Dad pulled out of the cemetery and to the catering place for lunch. I wasn't ready to go back to school tomorrow to face everyone. They would all give me sympathetic glares and their condolences, but I didn't want that. What I want is Alice back but nobody can do that for me, now can they.


I ran faster and faster through the forest, but the boy was always their waiting for me. No matter where I turned he was always their and I couldn't handle that. He had the brightest blue eyes, and black hair. He looked to be about 6'4 and was pretty built.

He smiled at me "Hello Wendelia" I gasped and tried to run from him but he caught up to me and grabbed my by my waist "you can't get away from me that easily" he whispered in my ear.

I gasped and sat up in my bed. I looked to my night table and saw the time was three fifteen. I sighed and put my head back to my pillow and closed my eyes. When will this nightmare ever end? It's always the same dream I've been having since I was little about five maybe. and honesty I shouldn't be surprised at it, the dream has always happened the same saw, the only thing that changed was me. I kept growing up and now I'm sixteen and these dreams keep getting scarier and scarier.

School starts in a few hours and I would at least like to get a little more sleep before I have to face hell. Nobody from school came to the funeral, me and Alice stuck together we didn't have any other friends but each other. she was a senior and I was a junior, I'll be seventeen in a few weeks, and Alice had just turned eighteen. 

She had big plans for the future. She wanted to be an actress, Alice was going to wait for me to graduate high school so we could both move to Hollywood together. I would be a artist while she would appear on TV.  We were going to get out of this small town in Georgia. 

But that could never happen now, she wouldn't be a star and I would never be an artist living in California.  I'm to scared to move out their on my own, and I can't really make that good art in order to make a living. Alice would always tell me to "dream big" but in reality my dreams will never make it. It's better to face reality then living a lie.

I'm terrified of my own shadow, how could I make it in California on my own. It was always Alice who was so fearless.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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