Try To Catch Up!

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(i don't own any sonic characters only my oc enjoy!)

   It was 5 o'clock in the morning, you always seem to wake up early mostly because you would make breakfast for sonic and he would walk..... okay more like run to school with you but he would always slow down for you because you weren't the athletic type.You made some bacon, eggs and french toast, making sure to make extra for tails, and then packed them into a little box.

  Walking to Sonic House wasn't that far just a few blocks away....."you shouldn't walking here alone!" a voice said. "who goes there!" you said."Hey Chill it's just me Vector!' the crocodile said. "VECTOR!!! you scared me! and i'm just on my way to sonic's house." You said while punching him on the shoulder. "and why are you here early in the Morning." You asked. " Well Charmy gets really annoying when we run out of candy also we ran out of food in the fridge so... yeah"  he said while rubbing the back of his head. "oh, that makes a lot of sense... Oh, and how are they!" "well they're the same as usual." Vector said. "well that's good.... oh hey i need to go now sonic usually sleeps late so see you later okay!" You waved goodbye as you disappeared in the distance.

(At Sonic's House)

"Hey Tails has Sonic woken up yet?" you questioned. "No. It's impossible!" Tails shouted. "well that didn't seem to wake Sonic up.... okay i'll try! oh and Tails I made breakfast for you guys!' you said while handing him the box of breakfast. You ran over to sonic's room you knew because of his loud snoring. "Sonic wake up!" you said shouting. You walked up to his bed grabbing his shoulders shaking him franticly. "SONIC WAKE UP!!!" you shouted. After doing this for awhile you were now on top of him. "Sonic wake up!!!" you said while almost giving up. You sighed "There's Chill dogs?""REALLY?!? I'll take 3!!" Sonic said. "YOU"RE FINALLY AWAKE!!!" you said shouting. "nah i was actually awake the whole time i just wanted to see how angry you would get!" sonic said laughing. You then grabbed a pillow and almost suffocated him with it until you realized you were almost late for school! "SONIC i'm almost late for school because of your stubbornest!!" You said. " hey (Y/N) relax school doesn't start until 9:00 and its 7:15 what's the hurry?" sonic asked. "well it takes us at least  20min to get to school and we have to walk tails to his middle school (yes Tail still goes to middle school just like in my Shadow X reader story) And you didn't eat yet! you said worried. "wow you planned everything out! look (y/n) tails can walk to his school it's not that far and i can eat on the way there! so don't worry okay. Sonic said calmly. "Really?! then why are we still talking let's go! You said dragging him outside.

(Currently running to school)

*pant* *pant* sonic i can't keep up! you said out of breath. "Dude try to keep up!" sonic said pulling you arm. You stopped him "sonic i can't go any further" you sat down on the concrete walk way. "i'm going to be late.." you mumbled. "no you're not!" Sonic said picking you up Bridal style. "there! this way we cant get to school faster!" You hugged on to his waist. You felt so safe. you never wanted this moment to end. 

To be continued.... okay i have to end this chapter here i have school so yeah... also i haven't written a chapter in a while so yeah okay byez!!! Pugz out :3

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