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It's been almost six months since Snow kissed me on that snowy Christmas Eve when I was a suicidal, pyromaniac. Six months ago, the Humdrum was at large. Six months ago, Snow had magic. Six months ago, I was just as in love with Simon Snow as I am now.

After I got out of Watford, Snow and I, along with his friend Penelope Bunce, bought a flat together in London. Simon is the most Normal of us now that he isn't oozing magic. He wasn't very Normal a few weeks ago when he had those wings and tail. For my end of the year "Create a spell" project, I made Little bunny Foo Foo, I don't want to see you. I can put magic behind almost any nursery rhyme and create a spell. I have no idea why, but the spell worked on ridding Simon of his extra appendages. Now Snow looks like a regular person again. Well, an above average attractive person, but more normal that a person with dragon wings and a cartoon devil tail. Considering that it is a two bedroom, two bathroom flat, I got to share a room with Simon just like I had for the past eight years at Watford.

But now we don't just share a room.

We share a bed.

Both of us get night terrors quite frequently. Probably because of the hell that we endured at Watford around Christmas and the whole mess with the Humdrum. He just fidgets and moans and occasionally sweats, but I grow fangs. I'm always afraid that I'll wake up ravenously hungry and bite him. I's rather actually stab him or kill him with some sort of spell than Turn him.

It's only been a month since we moved to London, so there are still boxes all over the flat. We could use Tidy up, but it is kind of cruel to flaunt magic in front of Snow now that he doesn't have any. It's also good for him to rid magic from his life after all of the trauma it has cause him. Such a sweetheart, talking to a therapist about the whole thing. Bunce and I try to keep magic on the down low now that we are out of Watford, and only use it when Simon isn't around or not looking. We feel that now we are living around Normals, we might as well act like them.

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