"I'm not sure. I'll have to ask what's happening. Bobby told me either Sam or Dean could drive me back."

I'm pretty sure Dean would, I can't imagine anyone else driving his Baby. "I imagine we'd leave sometime tomorrow," I finish.

"Alright. Well, when you find out, you let me know."

"Okay." After a moment, I ask him a simple question, just to veer the conversation away from the topic of myself. "So how's Zeke? Is he still alive?"

I hear my dad's low chuckle that, I'll have to admit, I've missed this past week. After years of hearing it almost daily, going without it just seemed weird. To others, he doesn't seem like the laughing type, not at all, but around me, he lightens up, and we're able to joke around easily.

"Oh, he's alive, don't worry. Never realized how spoiled this one was." I smile at that. Of course I'm going to spoil him.

"Well, I'll be home soon. Then I'll take him off your hands." I laugh when I hear my dad let out a relieved sigh at what I said.

I hear someone enter the kitchen behind me, and leaning back on the counter, turn to see Sam. I send him a smile as he pours himself coffee from the pot I made that rests on the stovetop.

"Alright, I'll let you go, I've got some things to do around here. You hurry home, you hear?"

"Yeah, I will. I'll call you when I leave."

Neither of us are the type to show emotions, so as we do every time, we don't end the call with an 'I love you,' but with my dad telling me, "Bye, kiddo."


I end the call and set my phone on the counter. "Morning, Sam. Sleep well?"

He lets out a joking laugh. "Yeah. That's the first time in a long time I actually got eight hours."

"Yeah well, I think Dean's going for twelve, and at the rate he's going, I'm sure he'll reach it." I motion towards the doorway that leads to the living room. "He's still passed out."

Sam and I's eyes meet. "You thinking what I'm thinking."

"Hell, yeah," he responds. He gets up from his chair, leaving his coffee on the table, and goes into the fridge in search of the can of doom.

"I'm just going to warn you," he tells me, "I just did this right before we went to pick you up. He's going to be pissed. So watch out."

I try to stifle my laugh so that I don't wake Dean in the other room, and take the can Sam found at the back of the fridge out of his hand. "Let's do this."

"Uh, Jackie-" Sam starts.

Before I hear him start to talk, I've already turned quickly around, only to ram face first into a hard chest. My hands fly up and grab onto the arms that are crossed in front of me.

"Oh my- Hey Dean, sleep well? Looked like it." I begin to ramble but stop when his green eyes meet my blue ones, which I can only imagine would look panicked.

His eyes don't show any emotion. I can't decide if that's a good or bad thing, though, since I have no idea if he's mad or not.

I let go of his arms once I realize I'm still holding onto them and stand straight. Letting out an awkward cough, I attempt to hide the red can behind my back.

"Yeah, Jackie, I slept great." His straight face turns into that stupid smirk of his within a split second, and his eyes leave mine for a moment, looking over my head at Sam.

"That's... good. Well, I'm going to run, I gotta call someone."

All of the sudden both my arms are being grabbed from behind. Oh you little... Dammit, Sam.

REVOKE ▸ d. winchester [1] ✔Where stories live. Discover now