chapter 8

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Aria had been stopping at Spencer's for the past few days, of course Spencer was perfectly fine with this but it was the fact that Aria would not leave her room, nor eat or even talk. Spencer's mom began to worry about Aria so Spencer would just take the food to her. She'd maybe take a bite and then refuse the rest. She just wanted to sleep and in-between sleeping she would cry. That was the only two things that she did these days. Whatever had happened between her and Ezra seriously broke Aria, and Spencer had to just wait for the girl to finally want to talk about her feelings.

It was a cold morning to put it lightly, and Spencer couldn't wait any longer.

"You have to talk to me some time you know? I need to know Aria because I'm getting scared. You haven't spoke a word since you got here."

Aria pulled the covers down from het face, the dry mascara stained tears the most noticeable thing to see. It hurt to see Aria like this, they were best friends and Spencer would do absolutely anything for the girl.

"He broke my heart." Was all Aria could get out. "And he can move on while I'm just left with the aftertaste of what never was."

Spencer was no closer to knowing what had happened and maybe she never would. Privacy was a huge thing for Aria and it could be months even years before she decides to open up.

"I don't feel well." The girl spoke as she sat herself up, god this was heartbreaking.

"Well have you eaten?" She paused and lowered her voice slightly. "Are you...On."

Spencer was never one for talking about intimate things and Aria wasn't in the mood at all.

"I'm late."

"Probably because you're not eating anything, come on get yourself dressed."

"What for?" She glared over to Spencer, her eyes filling. "I have no reason to get out of bed, I have no reason to leave this house. He broke me Spencer, when I sleep I see him and I can't breathe. I hate myself for how stupid I was. I don't want to do anything apart from lie here and let the world swallow me whole. Or for time for me to self pity."

Spencer just nodded, there was nothing more to say and staying here would only cause Aria to become even more upset and she didn't want that at all. She text the rest of the girls calling for an intervention later this afternoon, she knew that Hanna would be much more use than herself.

As soon as Spencer left, Aria's mind wandered back to Ezra, to the lies, to how much she didn't know about him. Then before she could think about anything else before her heart could break any single bit more she focused on the conversation she had just had with Spencer. Flicking through dates in her mind, her jaw dropped and quickly she began to feel the tears falling once again.

"I'm late."

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