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Title: I'm the Dark's Prisoner Tonight

By Beanietyler on Ao3

Words: 3788

Summary: It's Tyler's birthday, and Josh has something in store for Tyler after butt-spanking he got on stage......

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It was Tyler Robert Joseph's twenty-seventh birthday. He was playing a show. He beamed at the crowd in front of him, looking through the lens of his huge white sunglasses. For Tyler, there couldn't be anything more perfect than playing his music for his adoring fans on his birthday night. Everything was perfect. He then felt Joshua Dun wrap his arms around him on stage, and with one quick motion, Josh now had the mic. Tyler turned. He knew what Josh was doing, and he smiled ecstatically.

"I don't mean to interrupt... but it's his birthday." The crowd roared and Tyler's smile stretched even wider.
"He's my best friend in the world. Give it up for Tyler."
The audience screamed and Josh did an awkward but adorable motion with his arms, bringing Tyler in for a tight embrace.

Tyler laughed, rolling his eyes as Josh hugged him.
As Josh stumbled away smirking, Tyler managed to lean over and slap his ass, causing an even larger uproar from the crowd.

Josh, feeling Tyler's hand unexpectedly after a second, squirmed and nearly tripped over his own feet, hands in the air, as he made it back to his drum set. He shook his head and blushed. Tyler must have really liked doing that, because it wasn't the first time he slapped him on stage. He knew he had Tyler wrapped right around his finger, especially for the night. He had something special in store tonight.

Immediately after the show, Tyler and Josh walked back to the dressing rooms, while their manager handed each of them bottles of water and towels to clean their sweat. Their manager began to blabber to them about business, stressed out about the tour as usual. These venues that they were playing were too big. As the manager bitched on, both of the boys realized they really were not in the mood to hear crap about things that were going wrong. He paced back and forth as he told the his concerns and plans for the next week.

Josh nodded, pretending to care. Tyler sighed silently and leaned forward, placing his face into the damp towel. It was his birthday. Why was their manager going over pointless business?

Josh peered over at Tyler, noticing his slight distress. Concerned for Tyler, he placed his hand in his lap, and Tyler rolled his head towards Josh, raising his eyebrow. Josh grinned, mouthing "are you okay?" Tyler nodded, and rolled his head back into the towel.

Josh kept his hand in Tyler's lap, for the manager had his back turned and hadn't noticed the boys' reactions to his spiel. Josh felt a drop of sweat begin to form on his brow as he felt Tyler's leg getting hot under his hand. Tyler was wearing his extra-tight skinny jeans today, Josh's favorite pair to see him perform in. The black skinny jeans squeezed his skin, and Josh always loved touching and feeling his legs when he had them on. Tyler was perfect and beautiful, and Josh couldn't possibly concentrate on his manager when Tyler's tight little body was distracting him...

He pressed his thumb into Tyler's thigh, his fingers spreading across his leg. Tyler stiffened at his unexpected touch, and took his head out of the towel, eyes slightly red from having them closed in the towel. Josh was already hot and bothered by the spanking that Tyler gave him on stage, and now Tyler really wasn't helping with his sleepy angel face looking excited at Josh's touch. The water bottle was sitting between Tyler's thighs, and Josh pulled it out, placing it on the floor. As he did so, Tyler shifted his body towards Josh, just now noticing that Josh had his legs splayed open. Tyler had the urge to bite his lip as a drop of sweat formed on his brow.

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