Part 1 - The meetup

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Leah's POV

'Today is the day' I told myself as I looked my self up and down. Today was the day I was meeting Joseph Sugg. He had been my YouTube crush for years and I'd finally persuaded my mum to take me to a meetup. I was going to his book signing in London which was only a short distance away from where I lived. I was so excited. I looked at my outfit which was zoella themed. I had high-waisted black skinny jeans on, a blue and white striped top and a leather jacket. My hair was in a messy bun and I had a gold eye look on with nude lipstick.

I was super girly and loved to look nice. I loved experimenting with makeup and different hair styles (most of which were inspired by Zoe). I watched YouTube everyday and I loved it. I have my own YouTube channel which has 10,000 subscribers and I'm so thankful for them. They are so kind and lovely and I try my best to do the same back.

I was vlogging today so I pulled out my camera and greeted my viewers with an excited 'Hello guys' and then continued to tell them the exciting news of my day.

My mum drove us to where the meetup was being held and we got out. I joined the line which was already out the door.

2 hours later

I could see him. I could actually see Joe Sugg. This was a dream come true. I had been waiting patiently and hadn't cried...yet. There were only 4 people infront of me so it was almost my turn. The minutes slowly ticked by until I was at the front of the queue.
I took a few steps until I was embraced in a hug. I was about to start crying when I heard three loud gunshots and a low pitched voice shouting.

Sorry about the cliffhanger but part 2 is coming tonight right after I finish writing it! So stay tuned for that and I hope you like it.

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