{ Chapter One }

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Starting something new was supposed to be a good thing, yet it always seemed to be something difficult to come by. In this case, being kicked out of the only home he had known wasn’t an easy thing for the young man to swallow.

The banished prince had traveled to various villages, hardly being recognized by his own people. How ironic. At home, he would have been recognized instantly by the all too familiar golden locks and emerald hues. After all, his eye color was quite rare to see in the individuals of his kingdom- The Ashura kingdom, to be exact. However, that was beyond the point at the given moment. Those emerald hues that were received from his mother were quickly learned to be a bad thing, though that could simply be fueled by the petty things people said towards him. There had been constant insults and scorn thrown his direction- all because of his eye color. Those eyes belonged to someone on the outside, not someone from the Ashura kingdom. What could he expect..? After all, most of his knowledge outside of their kingdom had been every limited.

Besides, the insults and scorn, the young man had faced a great deal of grief and the like. Starvation and loneliness had been his constant companion, though he did have a small job here and there as he traveled. He couldn’t say in the same area for too long, unless he wanted to be captured once more for crimes he didn’t commit. That was a fate he wanted to avoid. And somehow that was the moment things had changed drastically for the young man.

He could vaguely remember a knight in their kingdom speaking about a portal just in the outskirts of the Ashura kingdom. All he had to do was get to it and his fate could be better in a different land, but there was one problem. The portal was located near the remains of a fallen kingdom, one his father hadn’t dared to explain to him. Then again, the young man hadn’t seen his father much throughout his life to even think of asking such questions. Nevertheless, a fallen kingdom was hardly important. Getting out of the Ashura kingdom was his first priority, and making it alive out of here as well.

The travel to the portal had taken several weeks before slowly expanding into a little over a month. The Ashura kingdom was a fairly large kingdom, enough to make traveling very difficult. Nonetheless, he managed to make it to the portal despite all of the odds. However, the price to use the portal had never crossed his mind at the time. The young man hardly realized a price would be needed until several months after he had successfully crossed the portal into the human world.

“I remember.. they said the price for entry was the most precious thing to you. Of course, you don’t pay it until after you cross.”

If only he heard that knight carefully that day- though the journey back to the Ashura kingdom would be one that’ll cause him quite a lot of grief in the months to come. However from this point on, his journey has only just begun.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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