What if we start again?

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The Ashura kingdom was filled with reapers and the souls of the dead, which was governed by the King Ryuzuki and the Late queen Naomi. Sadly, Queen Naomi had died upon the birth of last, and second son, Kyru. The late queen had left King Ryuzaki two sons, however only one could be the new king, and that would be their first born son, Ki--. The heir to the Ashura throne and soon to be ruler of the kingdom, little did he know his whole world would change in a matter of days. Of course he couldn't foretell the future and what it held in store for him.

Various footsteps could be heard rushing towards the first prince's room, where the young man of our story could be found. It was sometime around late night, around twelve at night perhaps. Regardless of the time, various palace guards threw open the door leading to the prince's bedroom, startling the young man into consciousness. "W-What's going on?" He questioned, his voice rather low and his mind still clearing up the fog in his head. Instead of answering, the palace guards quickly surrounded his figure in the bed. Each guard was covering every possible corner of the bed, leaving no room for escape.

"Ki--, you hereby banished from ever entering the Ashura kingdom or any of the neighboring kingdoms. You are no longer welcome here for the crime you have committed against the king." The head guard spoke in a firm voice, leaving no room for any questions. The prince's expression dropped at his words, his skin turning into a lighter shade. Turning paler by the second. "N-No! There wasn't any crime committed against the king, my father ! I swear upon my soul!" He retaliated with a tone of disbelief, narrowing his eyes at the head chief. "This is orders from your father, the king, you are to leave the premises immediately or force will be used to remove you from here. Any objections to do so will be taken meet with force, and any former status of yours is removed. You are no longer Ki-- the first born son of the Ashura kingdom nor are you any type of prince, but the banished one."

The prince swallowed dryly at the orders being given out, unsure of what to think of it. After all, from what he knew he didn't commit any crime or anything that would require being punished over it. Which explained why this came as such as a surprise to the young boy. "You herby banished." The head guard repeated with a harsh undertone and without another word, he reached out and with a harsh grip, lifted the prince from the bed. "N-No..! Stop! I told you already I didn't commit any crimes!" The small prince repeated, trying to make his words sink into the older man's head. That plan had failed him.

With a harsh pull, which would surely leave bruises upon his pale skin, the small prince was thrown out of the place upon arriving to the gates of the place and told to never come back. There was a small bag that was tossed alongside of his fallen form on the gravel, a few clunks being heard from inside of the bag after it had made contact with the floor. The head guard's steel grey eyes met the prince's for a moment, a look of hurt and utter betrayal crossing them before it quickly faded for a look of scorn. "Get the hell out of this place, you filthy traitor." He growled out before he turned and retreated back inside the comforts of the palace's gates, which closed shut behind the guards.

A small shudder overtook his body, another one soon escaped him before a small noise escaped his lips. Barely above a whisper. "What did I do..?" He squeezed his eyes shut as his hands gripped the dirt beneath him that threatened to stain his clothing even further. Oh.. He was still dressed in his night clothing, wasn't he..? A heavy sigh escaped his lips, eyes now open, as he tried to stop from tormenting himself with the events that had just occurred. His shaky hand reached out and slowly gripped the straps of the bag they tossed in his direction, and let out his curious arousal rise to check the contents of the bag. Slowly, almost hesitant, he opened the bag and peered inside. There was a small coin bag inside with a small amount, but enough to let him survive for a few months off of it. If he didn't spend it on anything stupid of course. A white button down shirt and a simple pair of black pants, and another choice of clothing. The last thing in there caused a small shaky breath to escape his lips.. His family's photograph. The one they had just taken recently, during the birth day of his younger brother, Kyru.

Something flashed before his eyes as a look of disbelief crossed his still maturing features. "I..." He paused, biting down on his bottom lip harshly to the point of drawing blood. Shaking his head at the thought, with a few stray blonde locks falling onto his face, he slowly and shakily stood up from the gravel with the bag in hands. It was time to get out of here before he found himself in bad company. And with that, he began to retreat from the place he once called home. The family photograph had floated down on the ground and left there to collect dust.

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