"Who is she exactly?" Leon questioned with a raised brow. "How did it happen? Did she just knock on your door and boom, instant connection?"

I scoffed. "After three years I'm truly disappointed you don't know me any better." I felt another buzz in my pocket. "I don't feel a connection with people. I stay above getting emotionally attached."

"I don't know how the hell Janelle managed to convince you to marry her or why," Leon grunted, crossing his arms. "Are you going to reply to those texts?"

"No, and what do you mean 'you don't know how Janelle convinced me to marry her?'" I snapped. "I was the one on bended knee, holding out that big compound of minerals that women want on their finger. Last time I'll ever do that."

"Always the romantic." Leon noted.

Finally my phone begun ringing and angrily I stood up and answered the phone, seeing Amy's name on the screen. "I really sincerely hope this isn't one of those 'why aren't you replying to my texts' calls."

"Russell," Her voice was barely a whisper and she sounded scared to death. "There's someone inside your apartment. I-I think they're burglars."

I instantly whipped around and glared at Leon who sat up at my rapid action. "Where are you, Amy?"

"I'm in my apartment, but I can hear them moving around inside yours," She whispered, her voice shaking. It sounded like she was trying not to sob. "Oh God, I hear smashing, t-they're ruining all your stuff—"

"Stay where you are, I'm coming," I firmly said. "Don't move. Actually, don't even as much as move a muscle. The wall between our apartments is extremely thin. If they hear you shuffling around in there—" I cut myself off when I saw Leon giving me a lethal glare, telling me to stop scaring her and shut the fuck up. "Just stay where you are, I'm coming."

"Hurry," She whispered, her voice cracking.

I hung up the phone and grabbed my keys, already bolting towards the door.

"I'm coming with you," Leon said, also standing up. "Lemme' just call the squad and we'll—"

"No. No police, and you're staying here," I snapped. "I'm going on my own and that's final. Follow me and I'll tell your wife about the time you drunkenly kissed another woman."

"Russell!" Leon bellowed, but I had already bolted off. I was in my car before the minute even ran out.


I looked around my flat, stopping dead in the door that had been broken down; It was a mess.

I didn't own much, but what I had was scattered out on the floor everywhere. My books, my old files, my clothes. My one towel, my box of useless trinkets was turned upside down and smashed. My couch was tipped over and ripped up, my nightstand broken with a sledgehammer. My mattress was knifed. My laptop was destroyed.

Smirking, I crossed my arms. Finally. This was good.

"Oh, my God," Amy's shaky voice suddenly said behind me. She peered inside my apartment, timidly. "They broke everything. Russell, I'm so sorry."

I ignored her and kept glaring at my apartment. My clothes was torn up, my bathroom mirror was broken... I could see glass shards on the floor as well—my shower stall was probably smashed, too. They were pissed.

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