She Stole My Heart And Won't Give It Back -Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, I loved that sound. The curtains were open and the morning sun was illuminating my room. I got up and headed to the shower and took off my chlothes before stepping under the faucet, letting the hot water take my body away. I closed my eyes and sighed, remembering what had happened the day before. A mix of emotions were raging inside me, words couldn't express how I felt about finally kissing Bella. But Jenna had to ruin my hapiness with her jelousy.

I got out of the shower after probably half an hour of day dreaming about how perfect Bella was, I got my self ready for school and went down stares to make my breakfast. When I went down my mom was too busy reading the newspaper that she didn't even notice me. But I'm not surprised. Me and my mom don't have a great mother-daugher relationship, we barely even talk. I shook my head and ate my breakfast, wanting to get to school as soon a possible.

I pulled into my usual parking space with a sigh. Jenna would normally wait for me at the front gates, but she was no where to be seen, so I walked to my locker alone. Concidering I was 'Popular' people were shocked I was walking alone, hence the stares. But I just ignored them and kept on walking ( I was good at that). My first period would be with Jenna so I decided I'd talk to her then.

As soon as I walked into class I abandoned any thoughts I had about talking to Jenna. She was at her usual spot with a girl I didn't notice, and the girl was in MY seat, they were chatting away like they were bestfriends or something. Jenna casually turned her head and scanned the room, when her eyes met mine a quick look of shock masked her expression, but she quickly covered it up with a glare.

I clicked my tongue on the roof of my mouth and headed over to find a new seat. I was so upset about Jenna I didn't notice Bella was a few metres away from me with her hands on the table and her head laying ontop of them. She was facing away from me so she probable didnt know I was there. Then she turned her head around,( probably trying to get comfartable) and when she saw me she quickly sat up straight and looked at me with hope in her eyes.

I froze on the spot when our eyes met, I looked around the room but there were nomore empty chairs, the only one was next to Bella. I cursed under my breath and made my way over to the vacant seat next to Bella. I could feel her eyes on me while I took out a book and pretended to be reading it. 

Then she finally said, "You'r not even gonna say 'hi' ? ".  I looked up at her and she was smirking.

"Oh, yeah, sorry... Hi." I said nervously. She let out a little giggle and I felt my heart melt. I was confused, I thought she'd be angry at me for bailing out on her yesterday when her dad caughte us making out. But she was acting normal.

As if reading my mind, she let out a sigh and said, "You know Jasmine, you don't have to beat yourself up because of yesterday. I talked to my dad about it and his totally fine with me liking girls."

Wait.What? Does that mean she liked me? I whipped my head up and asked out of curisousity and exitement, "Are you saying you like me?".

She gave me one of he To-Die-For smiles and leaned closer to me, whispering in my ear.

"How about you come over to my house tonight and we'll find out the answer to that? "

My breath caught in my throat as she leaned back into her chair and winked at me. I had lost the power of speech, so all I could do was nod as I got lost in her eyes. I glanced over at Jenna and she was glaring at Bella. The girl next to her was trying to say something, but Jenna obviously didn't care. She had all her attention on us.

I wondered what her problem was, and I wondered where Nick, her boyfriend, was. They were usually making out and flirting with eachother, but not today. I turned back to Bella and she was staring at me with a lost look in her eyes,  which I found so cute!. I  blushed and looked up at the teacher as he walked in, ready for the days lesson.

After first period i had nomore classes with Bella. So I was just plain bored. I was glad I didn't have anymore classes with Jenna, because I couldn't handle any more of her glares.

As soon as the bell for sixth period rang I was rushing up to Bellas locker. 

"Ready?" I asked her from behind. She jumped at the sound of my voice but when she saw it was me she giggled. I couldn't help but smile.

"Hell yea, I'm ready!" She replied enthusiasticly. I smiled and took her hand, leading her to the school carpark. I stopped when I saw Jenna a few metres away from us. unlocking her car door. I walked up to Bellas car and quickly got in, hoping Jenna hadn't seen me. Bella was completely oblivious to what was going on, She just smiled and turned on the engine. We drove off into the direction of Bella's house. Luckily Jenna hadn't seen us, or atleast I thought she hadn't seen us.

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