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She doesn't know about One Direction. She just knows ME. I don't know whether to be grateful or scared of that. Usually when people see me, they automatically connect me to the other three boys, plus Zayn. But Violet is different. All I am to her is a person. A living, breathing, normal human. A person who isn't famous, a person who doesn't make money he doesn't know what to do with, a person who isn't instantly connected to four more famous people, an individual who doesn't attend award show and wears sponsored brands. I'm just Niall. A boy with blue eyes, a boy with unnatural blonde hair, a boy who has to go to therapy for things he can't control. I'm scared that when she finds out she'll be disappointed, dissatisfied even. But right now, Violet knows a blue  eyed, blonde haired boy who isn't world famous and goes to the same shrink as her. It may be different from what everyone else sees, but I think I'd like to keep it that way.

Surprisingly Secretive,


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