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Niall texted me. He seemed shocked that someone actually wanted to text him, I wonder why. There's something secret behind his blue eyes, and maybe one day I'll find out, but for now platonic sounds good. My dad seems glad that the so called "therapy" has me going places and seeing new things, where in fact I just go out and sit on a bench and try to think of what exactly to write in here. The counselor says it's supposed to be thoughts, emotions, feelings, lists, amongst other sappy things that only 10 year olds write about in their diaries. Niall and I are possibly on the verge of friendship. I've never been one of those girls that squeal and jump around when a crush decides to text me, but maybe he's different. Or maybe the walls I've put up are getting chipped away at. Those walls have been up for years, and I've worked so hard to keep them up so they can keep stuff out. They've been intact for my whole life, I can't let them be broken. Or maybe I can. What else do the 10 year old girls f the world write in these things?

Unfailingly Disinterested,


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